Title says it all. 111-119 bracket is a great example.
Level 111’s typically have a 245 iLvL while 119 twinks can have up to 315 iLvL. I would propose putting a 280 iLvL cap so gear still matters, but it does not create a disgusting gap that makes Blizzard shut lower bracket PvP down altogether ZzZzzZz. There are people who would LOVE to PvP all day on their non-120 characters. They can perform well and not worry about grinding mythic raids to stay competitive.
Seems like a no-brainer. Really sad to see 2019 developer team not ever talk about this. Its been like 10 years you’d think they could do something like this? Whats going on??
Nope. Battlegrounds under 120 have a huge pool of people who enjoy freezing their character in the hierarchy and treating WoW as a PvP Arcade. Its a way to play the game and a lot of people WANT TO DO THIS, similar to how there are people who love playing with professions, the auction house, and pet battles.
So, you’d keep 120 the same of course. For Blizzard to just shut the door on XP-Off PvP’ers is rude, financially stupid, and ignorant in my opinion. No real nice way to put that but I come from a good place. Thanks all, hope thats clear.
right, but they did take it away for a reason. The iLvL gap could lead to hilarious mismatches. Imagine a highschool varsity player slam dunking on a 5th grader. Thats how bad it was, lol… Where Blizzard fails is they do not try to find any sort of middle ground. See my point? <3
I know right? Max level is in fact far worse than say 111-119 twink bracket. But I am not interested in the end game mythic raider people who work super hard each week to stay on top, only for a new patch to come out and have to do it all over again. So i say, sure, leave max lvl as it is.
BUT put a mild iLvL cap on the non-max level brackets where people who gear their toons out will still be good but not absolutely rickroll EVERYTHING. Hopefully I cleared that up for ya.
You had to specify "111-119 twink bracket” for a reason, you know.
I usually level characters through BGs and simply funnel them enchanted heirlooms instead of the full twink treatment. 111-119 might well be more balanced than a fresh 120 versus 420+ item level, sure…
But when was the last time you literally globaled someone at 120? When was the last time you globaled multiple people with one button press at 120?
That’s not that hard to pull off in some of the lower and popular twink brackets.
Yeah since this is on our forums for some reason I’ve got to agree with the Dwarf. RIP twinks and may they burn in hell.
Seriously per my estimation the whole point of PvPing while leveling is to get a good handle on your class. Learning as you go, implementing new abilities as they come and finding out what spec is best for you.
This whole process is ruined by players who can evidently derive joy from effortless victory.
You and the drawf set examples of why the game sucks right now, I use to twink at the 60 and 49 brackets (Rogue and shammy for 49 with the Ironfoe mace and trinkets, Unholy DK with Sulthaze and Gorger trinket at 60) and I personally found both more fun then max level. Twinking has and will always be apart of the game, taking it away isn’t the answer, you’re eliminating an entire community by doing so. But whatever isn’t like we’re getting below 800k subs, keep saying dumb crap like this because blizzard obviously listens to the babies on the forums.
Woa woa, no need for salt. Let’s try and be friendly, this is the ED forums after all.
I understand twinking is a community, and the community prides itself with hypotheticals like “I twink because it helps me see how good I am versus other twinks, not to gy camp”. Unfortunately, intentioned or not, the reality is a few twinks destroying and gy camping at the cost of others trying to level and experience bgs in a balanced way. This creates an unhealthy system of other people chasing the same high and spending hundreds of thousands of gold min maxing their low level toons to make them twinks and pyroblast levelers to graveyard oblivion.
When people say that twinks are serious pvp and other people are casuals, they are being delusional entirely. Want to pvp seriously? Why don’t you queue rated arenas and bgs like the rest of us, in the endgame, where gear is supposed to be min maxed out?
Why destroy the leveling experience for lowbies who are leveling?
If you think all lowbies should spend thousands of gold on min maxing twink gear, why don’t you turn on your xp?
Hypocritical right?
Yeah, twinking was never about serious pvp. It was a breeding ground for people who never had the chutspah to seriously pvp, so they tried to cover the skill gap by maxing out gear on leveling toons, knowing the competition would be lacking.
Might be fun for twinks, but not for the rest of the populace.
Again, fair and just works both ways. Want us to spend thousands of gold on gear? Turn on your exp.
I never said any of this, you’re missing the entire point here the fact that 1 it was fun and 2 it had an entire community around it. And please tell me how it’s any different then max level right now where you can mythic gear yourself and face roll the enemy team, or is it an exception because it’s max level and oh boy jeez those lower level brackets are just too precious to be tainted by gear influence. Like holy crap my dude, I did queue rated arenas last season and I’m not doing it again, I normally do rated for the transmog which frankly looks like crap this season. Along with the cancer that is season 3 I’m not sure if this season is fun for you because it sure as hell isn’t for the rest of us.
Edit: It was also something to just relax and have fun with, twinking that is, it was something you could just log in and enjoy since you didn’t need to complete quests constantly raid for that titanforge bis gear. You could hit bis easily and just enjoy the game.
They’ve destroyed the end game entirely, alts aren’t an option it’s why some of us resorted to twinking, was it so much to ask to just have fun and relax with actual real bis gear?