Bring back PvP Templates for casual BGs

If it came from someone else, no not ironic at all, but coming from you it is, LOL!

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Fine I’ll give you that one :rofl:

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Which ones??? Literally every spec was viable and balanced in legion… hello???


Every spec? No. But every class had a good spec or two.

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Every dps spec was good… some tanks and healers were weaker than others but I don’t count them…


Some specs had crappy stats. If they allowed some leeway on changing stats you’d be right.

some specs had “crappy stats” meaning they were intentionally templated to prevent people from stacking mastery or haste to be OP.

every spec and often even many multiple subspecs were completely viable in legion, in both rated and unrated, arena and bgs. wpvp was the only thing that was wrong with legion pvp, otherwise the rest of pvp was actually balanced.


I mean for randoms all specs were good, I’d agree. For rated pvp, not every spec was viable but that’s no different than any other expansion I suppose.

still no, you had people swearing up and down over on the arena forum that every single spec was viable to 2800. if you are going to say they were still not viable because they couldn’t R1, then you need a lesson in how math and absolute ranking works.

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Every class was viable but not every single spec.

every spec. what wasn’t viable was cheese builds like we currently have like destro locks getting enough haste to just machine gun chaos bolts. templates intentionally prevented that, so if that is your playstyle, then sure, it wasn’t viable, but that was also sort of the point. kind of like how the point of asking for templates or equal ilvl scaling is to intentionally remove any ilvl advantage someone might have.


To 2800? No. Maybe 2-2.2k which is enough.

There was a small but real advantage to having higher ilvl or more traits during Legion.

The idea that there’s something reasonable about the top players slumming in casual pvp having 10x more health than newly leveled ones is actually way out there.

I hated templates the way they were implemented. But there wouldn’t have been nearly so many complaints if devs had made half an effort to balance stats.

Just require a minimum gear score in order to queue for battlegrounds.

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little to no chance they will do that now. hell bgs only drop 425 gear, which is pretty funny. that gear is trash and not competitive for the mode it drops in


Corruptions should be disabled in PvP. They’re making the power gap even more extreme.

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Yep its okay!
If someone wants to determine the item level, there’s a RBG for that.

No thank you, hard pass. That’s what RBGs are for.

Because it’s casual PvP, you didn’t do that Motherlode 12 so you could do LFR or Heroic Dungeons, you did that Motherlode 12 so you can do much harder content. Casual BGs should be just that, casual. We can keep the RPG aspect for the tryhards. I just want people to have a fair chance in Casual BGs. We cannot trust Blizzard to go back to Pre-WoD era gearing. The next best thing is casual mechanics for casual gameplay.

You can queue for BGs with a lower ilvl than you are allowed to queue for Heroic Dungeons.


Randoms for the last 2 year have been utterly horrible. Mythic Raiders have been making it an absolutely nightmare. Either they bring back templates or they restrict Premades in Randoms. One has to give