Bring back PvP servers

Welp I’ve been proven wrong. Thank you Verdre.

A glance over at Classic would be worthwhile as a way of seeing if that’s a good idea. There are Classic pvp servers with almost 100% of one faction, making them unplayable as a pvp realm in the truest sense. Unless you can figure out a way that Blizzard hasn’t though of as being workable to deal with faction imbalance, I can’t see it happening.

I can’t upvote you more than once sorry op, I could not agree more, most claim it was changed due to the ganking complaints, but the thing is warmode has not stopped that at all, all warmode has done is displace the pvp community, even if they left the title pvp server intact and implemented warmode it gives a place for pvpers to congregate, my ex pvp server is now so over whelmed with pvers I can hardly find groups to wpvp or join yolo bgs ect…

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I totally agree and PVP stats on gear and gems and enchants should
ALWAYS be active. The complainers were
the noobs who are all in green with no stats other than the PVE stats
already on their gear.

I vote they just do away with sharding.

Sharding removes any repercussions in WM.

You cutting us all a check to move our characters back to PVE servers ?
Didnt think so…so…no.

one of two things…hes;

  1. A ganker who lost his victims.
  2. a Ganking victim who cant do the wise thing and turn WM off.
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And the biggest reason …and why they will NEVER revert it back…it gives them a single server type and so reduces the work they have to do for content.
It wont be reverted. They’ll have to get used to that.

i do not understand why people think just because you preferred pvp servers over pve servers it meant you were a ganker, i miss my pvp server also and i never ganked, besides you can gank all you want in warmode, nothing has changed, like posted above a pvp server gave a place for pvp minded people to hang out, now we are all mixed with players who hate pvp.

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I think you quoted the wrong guy. Confused me there for a second. I like how WM has changed the game. I can play on any server I want now free of ganking weirdos lol

sorry bro , guess i did

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i still haven’t gone back to level my characters on former pvp realms now that i have the option to opt out of war mode.

i won’t mind if they revert back to pvp realms, as long as i continue to get those warnings that the group i am joining has pvp enabled.

Server implies that I’m interacting with the same people. WM has essentially turned the open world into a BG. On my realm (ED) we had a flowing community of players who enjoyed both RP and PvP out in the open world. Now it’s jumping through hoops and phases just to see each other out in the main zones.


Ya… Classic WoW begs to differ… World PvP is dead there.

World PvP has been dead for a long time aside from PvP areas in Legion.

Warmode has actually increase people in World PvP activities. Especially with kill quests, assassins/bounty system, and achievements.

Though Warmode is far from perfect, its alot better than PvP servers where rarely any were 50-50ish.

What are you on about? I play with war mode permanently on and I am looking for fights and can’t find any.

You should try some reading comprehension.

This part right here confuses me. The complaint is always “there aren’t enough Alliance in war mode!” or “there are too many Horde in war mode!” but what you said sounds like… you… can’t… find… any Horde? What? :confused:

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I can’t find any alliance… I’m Horde, have been since day 1 of vanilla.

Then that is our fault. I am getting them 24/7.

War Mode works perfectly. It’s just there are much more horde than alliance who PvP. Switch to alliance if you want to find fights 24/7. I played retail yesterday and found plenty of horde around.

Bringing PvP servers will not automatically solve the problem. There will just be a bunch of horde favored PvP servers where alliance will be as scarce.


So many talk about pvp servers being a bad thing, if they were they would not have been as popular as they were, we rolled on them and if any were too simple minded to realize rolling on a pvp server meant pvp might happen “to them” all I can do is laugh. Instead of defending warmode as something bliz can’t take away because some would get upset…think, why would they care, they took away our pvp realms and didn’t care.