Bring back PvP servers. Put the war back in warcraft

not the only pvpers…no…but the only ones in here incessantly whining about WORLD PvP not being what it used to be.

I always have warmode on, unfortunately due to sharding,
faction raids etc never happen anymore.
Best anyone gets is 2vs 3-5 at war boxes.
Sharding really destroyed rp-pvp servers.


The only time I see any real ‘pvp’ in world content is that one to maybe 12 players who come into orgrimmar and start a fight.
THAT is pvp, lol. I always enjoy watching and occasionally I’ll jump in.

I appreciate those players because they ARE PvPers.


How is that bad? I believe the main differences is your running into other people who choose to have war mode on, not low levels you can just gank

One day you’ll grow up.

Thinking youre big and tough (in game, of course :)) is absolutely embarrassing.

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Indeed. A lot of us really have no interest in smashing levellers.
I’d prefer to battle people I know are into it, OR invade enemy capitals because then we are outnumbered and will probably end up with other pvpers defending (whispers: especially when we forewarn).


Can you please define “real” pvp for the class? Tell us, what is the accepted definition of pvp.

Your personal bias, opinion and bad experiences, remember, are irrelevant, just like ours are, apparently.

Though you’ve told me three times you have me ignored. Maybe the last one took.


They could still have you ignored, they quoted someone completely different.

War mode is perfectly appropriate. PVP servers can’t survive any more because the average maturity level of the player base has diminished so much over time.

“I want to be able to breeze in occasionally and get together with a group of people to drive out invaders!” They say, with no thought to all the other times that the “defenders” aren’t there because it’s not convenient for them and people are just trying to level and getting picked off by superior forces.

They want to be able to bop in on their own schedule, be the good guy, and let people suffer the rest of the time for the sake of their occasional entertainment.

When there were PVP servers people were constantly begging and paying to get off of them. There were constant complaints and requests for Blizzard to step in and do something about griefers on servers that inevitably settled into one massive faction and one tiny faction that had a bitty rotating population of people who had no idea what kind of situation they were getting into and hated it. A server that had to continue to operate 24/7, and not just when a couple of high-geared max levels decided to be on and spoon out acts of charity where they LET other people play.


I was originally from a horde dominated pvp server. It sucked and at times made it quite impossible to get anything done. With warmode I can decide to get into the fight on my main (always warmode on) because its the most geared character and can usually win any 1v1 even 1v2. But when I just want to fly and farm a rarw that drops a mount Im not gonna deal with it.

Best wpvp in last years was bfa by war. The big faction incurssions battles up and down the road to the alliance base at the top of the mountain in drustvar were the best. We need those big scale events back and niot theae trash ffa zones where everyone just gets a 5 man and gank anything on sight

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Which is the dumber argument, lacking in any sort of worthwhile discussion:

“Put the ‘War’ in Warcraft!111”


“Run your own Key.”

They’re both just … …

It does not. It allows people to opt out whenever they want. I want to play with other people who cannot choose to opt out, and not opt out myself. Otherwise it just caters to opportunists.

The mode you want already existed on pve realms.

Warmode offers every positive, with the added benefit that instead of gearing two characters on two servers, you gear one character. You can’t interact with WM disabled folks outside sanctuary cities. The difference is non-existent from your perspective to them logging off.


Just stay in warmode then. Nothing screams opportunists like people complaining about not being about to gank.

I played all the good years on PvP servers only. You had the occasional 12 year old that was easy to straighten out. Now it’s all 12 year olds and nobody but people with that mentality want anything to do it with it.

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Do you understand what you’re asking for? I, too, miss PvP realms, guild wars, and organized world PvP, but you obviously want something else. You want PvP with a random player while leveling, but you have to understand that leveling takes only two and a half hours now, and people go to dungeons without leaving the capital. That’s what modern leveling looks like. At max level, Warmode fully replaces PvP realms for casual world PvP.

As for me, I would like a separate PvP world without cross-server or phasing, so that raiding guilds can actually encounter each other and not use phasing as an escape if one side feels they’re losing.

If you’re talking about casual world PvP where it’s just you and another player you randomly meet, Warmode completely serves this purpose.

But if, like me, you want organized large-scale world PvP, like 120 vs. 120 battles we used to have, then yes, we need a PvP server without cross-server, phasing, or Chromie time.


And the true motivation comes out, you want to gank and harass. Sorry but your fun is not so important you get to have it at the expense of others who aren’t interested. You’re not that important. This just tells me you don’t have the spinal fortitude to fight people your own level like most of the gankers didn’t. So instead you hide behind “muh world pvp” even though that died with instanced pvp. if you want to be watching all the time then go to classic servers where pvp servers are still a thing, or enlist in warmode. Then you and all the people like you can have your pvp and everyone else that’s not interested doesn’t have to deal with your toxicity.

The only reason you would object to that is if you’re afraid of having to fight people your own level.


This, this, and so much this. I too, was robbed of my ability to play on a PvP server. I hate not being on one and there is nothing we can do about it.


You can just choose not to opt out now.

No. You don’t get a captive victim population. That doesn’t make for a good video game.

Except it does. Everyone on that server consented to it upon character creation.