if your solo q farm is going bad just find or form a group and do premades… sometimes youll get premade vs premade sometimes you get pugs… its hurting Honor per hour for everyone not allowing premades also hurting the grouping up with friend aspect of an mmo etc… imo
Agreed. Just hurts pvp all around.
i would bet blizzard hates heaing about
Premades are bad for the game.
Mid maxing horde and face rolling the other faction, is bad for the game.
Games that I’ve played today are the most balanced I’ve seen in classic. How are you not enjoying this?
Yep I’m personally loving the 5 man max queues. Even with some really terribly geared almost never pvp friends it’s enjoyable.
Ah yes, my honor per hour was great getting 5 capped by premades left and right in AB.
You can group with 5 people in a bg, just like you can only bring 10 people to kara, etc etc.
If they bring them back, force premades to match into other premades
Some people like to just hop on and play bgs without forming a 15 man group, they are unrated matches after all.
A lot of people are loving the more balanced matches atm
My guildies were in separate groups pvping today, and they faced each other in AB. Guild chat was full of them trash talking one another and popping extra consumes to kill each other. was a hilarious read while I was mining. They seemed like they were having a blast too.
Also yes bring in rated BGs but dont make them 10 man random bg. 10s for WSG, 15s for AB/EOTS, and optional 40s for AV. Make them give x2 overall honor since the games will be harder and longer. If people end up match fixing just ban them
Some people are just angry that they can’t stomp pugs with 10 or 15 organized players in comms. This change is great, you still can do 5 man premades and these matches are more balanced and fun.
Seems okay. I know I ran into a warrior in my guild in ab and I made him want to stop playing because I did nothing but root spam him, cyclone spam him and hit him with feral charge so that I could do it all over again. And in return he made a beeline for me like I would drop his BIS gear if I died. We both had fun annoying each other.
The 14 “Friends” you find in LFG? LOL
Well we would be face rolling the other team that decided to solo q instead of finding a group to play with… everyone has a choice of how they want to q… its not an unequal style of gameplay by making a premade…
This is hilarious.
LFG? Hell, they’re not even from the same server. This premade crap feels like something from Backpage or something.
There will be literally 5% as many premades running around as before the test if they do that lol.
Cool deal, I don’t really see an issue.
People keep claiming they premade for the challenge of facing another premade anyways, not the steamroll.
Yeah lol, easy for them to say that on the forums but the LFG chat doesn’t lie; most of these premades are tradechat/LFG premades. Sure there were some guilds doing it, but by and large the premades I always used to run into had 10-15 people from mostly different guilds.
Do you not belong to the premade Discords?
Between that and the queueing addon, I’m always in a premade.
I fail to see the problem. If the only reason people are forming premade groups is to pug stomp then premade groups should be removed.