It’s offensive and it was a recommendation of mine to remove.


There is no doubt that catcalls are offensive. I actually suggested all emotes be removed but certainly this foul offensive catcall needs to go.

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I enjoyed using that emote on my female chars wolf-whistling scantily-clad gents.


are we talking about the wolfwhistle here?

…because if that’s the case, the people complaining about the sjw crew need to pull their heads in.

Not only is it offensive, it’s literally an offence where I live.


You’ve been rescued from a lenghty time of constructive forceful advancement made by your partner.

The whistle was from something when the patriarchy was still dominant in our society to make them feel like they have power over the female gamer, but no longer you are now saved from a lifetime of harassment, you dont need to say thanks because you are welcome, my strong independent individual.

Next up make all them skimpy transmog fully covered dresses and cover every bit of skin! Its an outrage how many of you wear them!

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I can’t catcall whistle at all of the gorgeous female Draenei, Blood Elves and Night Elves anymore? :frowning:

This is a sad world to live in now…


Name checks out.


I didn’t know about the whistle, but I did notice them changing the sound effects on a couple of things. Like when you are going through the drain to get into Tol Dagor, it actually sounds like you are inside a drain pipe now. I guess that is cool and all, but I sometimes wonder why they spend time changing things like that when there are so many other issues in the game that need fixing or changing.


Here’s to hoping they revert the change soon. It’s really killing a lot of my buzz. I never knew how much I loved doing the /whistle until it’s gone.


After doing a search they had to removed it because people where getting Offended by the old Whistle and where getting feelings hurt when people would whistle at other people but not them so they had to change it to fix there feelings


I don’t know whether to laugh or feel insulted. I don’t NEED to be “rescued” from my FIANCE by a literally insane group of people that become unhinged at the mere thought of somebody else expressing themselves or sharing their happiness. I believe this to be a troll, but if it is not, I am sorry for you.


I think the change is stupid but sense someone had there little feelings hurt blizzard had to fix it


Because Blizzard doesn’t know how to add more to the game, they only know how to take away.


Odd - killing random people is an offense where I live - and yet we do it in game.
This is just so ridiculous - I don’t even have words. And - I am a 65 year old woman and a survivor - doesn’t offend me in the least.
I am SO TIRED of all this silliness - in game and irl. People need to get a perspective on what is TRULY offensive and harmful.


i cant believe how easy people are offended now these days,becareful pretty soon we wont be aloud to cough or sneeze in public lol


The funny thing is.

Woman complains about wolf whistling gets a law passed.

Then she talks about how she misses the attention. No I am not even joking.


Wait, what happened? I can still /whistle just fine.

Edit: Oh, they changed the sound.

Look, if you’re offended by a whistle in a video game, you don’t have any real problems. Bring it back.


I know it’s popular to be triggered by any sort of perceived “PC change” that happens to the game but this was probably changed to fit all the quests in the game that use the whistle emote. Except for maybe Wales, I don’t think there many instances where cat calling a sheep makes much sense.

If it makes you feel any better one of the new whistles kinda sounds like a cat call, just not the iconic one everyone’s used to.


Then why not add more variance to the emote instead of removing that one sound file? I’m not saying it’s absolutely a PC-type change, but it’s hard not to come to that conclusion.

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Instead of removing it, if it was bother people, then give an option to not hear that type of suggestive whistle. The same can be done with flirts.