Wouldn’t it be nice if we could revisit Old ZG. Just like you’ve done so with Scholomance, Stratholme and SM.
Would be nice to collect some old transmogs (and perhaps a mount or two cough cough)
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could revisit Old ZG. Just like you’ve done so with Scholomance, Stratholme and SM.
Would be nice to collect some old transmogs (and perhaps a mount or two cough cough)
uhm what do you mean old zul’aman. its exactly the same. minus the mount. they never removed anything else.
Thanks for the correction
I assumed he meant zulaman and ZG, just offer a way to get the original versions of them including the older mounts. And yes I say this already having the raptor from old ZG. I let my sister have the tiger when it dropped.
well zul gurub did get different gear.
Yeah the first post I read he said ZG maybe he edited it which is why you said ZA
Nah I did say ZA but I thought there was an older version
Yeah I’m surprised they kept Za the same, I have the new mount I wasn’t “good enough,” during TBC to get the original so I would like a long quest chain for a chance to get it.
A secret chain like naxx has now.
Edit I also find it odd they have a secret way in ZG to get mats and old crafting recipes for transmog, but didn’t bring back the original mounts. Again I would be willing to do some crazy chain for a chance.
Exactly this
Other than the original tiger mount and raptor mount almost all of the orignal armor and weapons from ZG were brought back in Dragonflight. It’s done via crafting.
The one exception to this is Zinrokh which used to drop from Hakkar in old ZG but is now obtainable through archaeology rather than the method I linked above.
Idk if they will.
Old naxx was never brought back, but they gave us a way to get the tier sets and some weapons like Servo Arm, in DF I believe.
It seems they don’t want players to get old iconic items, like Corrupted Ashbringer (it wasn’t brought back, but mostly every other item from Naxx was).
That’s cool but if they were willing to bring back the old mounts in a secret chain. That’ll be great.
You do know that you can purchase the original ZG tiger and ZG raptor from the Black Market Auction House, right?
They were never removed from the game.
Those are effectively real money purchases though. They legit are camped by sale services.
I don’t feel a pressing need to bring it back as the mogs exist on island of thunder but I get it.
Yes it was dragonflight. They brought back old scholomance, but let you farm wrath naxxramas for items to make the old 60 naxx items.
[quote] It seems they don’t want players to get old iconic items, like Corrupted Ashbringer (it wasn’t brought back, but mostly every other item from Naxx was).
blizzard has a weird love/hate relationship with the corrupted ashbringer many devs hate they added such a lore heavy weapon into the game and made it available to a lot of players (ok so only 1% of the player base actually saw level 60 naxx but you could still run it during TBC when you were 70 making the fights easier), but at the same time they had no issue giving every paladin a version of it in Legion for their ret artifact weapon.
Blizzard has one of the most inconsistent stances on old stuff as well… it will never come back, it will come back as a secret, it will come back in the trading post, it will come back for gold/real money
Ashbringer didn’t really have a lot of lore to it. At least it didn’t until after classic.
It was hyped up… but that isnt the same thing.
The whole naaru shard for example was added in tbc. The lore of the ashbringer was legit just that it was tied to the argent crusade.
the corrupted ashbringer in original vanilla was actually game changing - in that it actually changed the way that the game interacted with the player in many circumstances.
one of those circumstances was entering a scarlet monastery instance while wielding the Corrupted Ashbringer, the mobs were now friendly to you and you became exalted with their faction.
i never played back in OG vanilla, nor did i play much of vanilla classic but i do remember people talking about some sort of RP that occurred at Light’s Hope Chapel if a player wielding Corrupted Ashbringer walked near those NPCS.
The originals were raids.
Not to mention they did remove something else — The last boss of Zul’aman is different.
As for Zul’Gurub, yeah the bosses are different.
… And the mounts yet again.
Mind you, it’s been a long, long LONG time since then; so it’s understandable to forget or be mistaken to the new versions for the old ones
I think they should bring back the original raid-versions + the mounts etc in an event, it’d be cool
It just added a plus rep modifier when equiped… its was unique and it had a lot of lore planned around it but it never made it into the game till far later.
I think it was a point of frustration to the devs more then a treasured lore item.