Bring back Old ZG?

You don’t wanted that to do that either. You think you do but you don’t.

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They should allow us to enter old mode of all instances. I think they have had weird ways to do that to scholomance and SM but I’d love nilla nax, and ZG and any other dungeons or raids removed or remade.

They want to have a “break in case of emergency” to make whales spend money so the line doesn’t go down.

Based on what they did with Naxx, It seems if the old instance was a raid, like Naxx40 and ZG20, Blizzard will just make the old weapons & armor be craftable or obtainable by grinding out certain currencies. Meanwhile if they are dungeons, such as the old Scarlet Monastery wings or old Scholomance, they will actually bring them back in their full glory.

Which does make me wonder about old Upper Blackrock Spire if they ever bring it back. Originally it was designed to be a ‘10 man raid’ that just so happened to be in the same instance as Lower Blackrock Spire, which was a dungeon. When cata came out, Blizzard scaled down UBRS to a 5 man dungeon. Probably to accommodate for the random dungeon finder being added to vanilla and TBC dungeons. Although why they even had an instance be a raid and a dungeon at the same time depending on which wing you did has always confused me. I guess because UBRS was not a 20/40 man raid Blizzard didn’t see it as an official one. Hence no reason to have it ‘official’ by adding a raid portal behind the door that you needed the ring to open. Or it could’ve been a technical limitation given that BWL would end up being accessible through UBRS if you weren’t attuned. Maybe having an instance inside an instance which was also inside another instance was something the game could not handle.

Side note: I still have no idea why they actually changed the player cap on Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj to 10 people from 20 during Cata.

you dont need to enter old ZG you can get the weapons and armor via crafting now.

Yup, UBRS is the only removed dungeon now, with the WOD update to the dungeon the old items and bosses were gone, doing normal would drop WOD loot. Doing something to bring back the old armor and weapons at least would be nice. They brought back the weapons and armor from ZG without bring the old instance of ZG back, same with Naxxramas, you farm items in the current version to craft items from the old one, but they also brought back the actual old instance of scholomance and scarlet monastery allowing you to farm the old items, so it could go either way with UBRS.

Instance inside an instance also happened with Molten Core being accessible through BRD and Naxxramas was accessible through Stratholme (you can still see the green portal behind the gate in the courtyard with Baron Rivendare’s room. Those high level vanilla dungeons allowed more players in since they were kind of a step between 5 mans and raids. They also dropped some of the best pre raid gear.

Actually it wasn’t. It was going to be but Blizzard changed it to access being rep gated during patch 1.11’s development. The higher the rep with the Argent Dawn, the cheaper it was to access Naxx40. With exalted being free.

Just for some reason they kept the raid portal but blocked it off. Even with the Cata update to Stratholme.