Bring back old wintergrasp

And you won the defense? I’m legitimately impressed. How did that go exactly? What tactics did you guys employ to stop the overwhelming siege damage?

I assume you had the two offenses and then the defense if you were able to win the defense, because you wouldn’t have had the time to queue again if the defense had been first or second.

Most of my memories of WG are parachuting down from ICC to skip all the pesky siege engine nonsense. So… Don’t care…?

exactly, i’d support punishing smooth brain min-maxers who ran away from a dual faction concept and have done little but spit on the idea of playing classic wow the way it was designed and meant to be played.

Soo many different ways to approach classic wow as a player, and soo many choose the small number of completely wrong methods. Their bad decisions should be punished with more than just queues lol.

Isn’t the the winning strategy and entire point of defence to turtle up? The towers are only a high risk manuever to put additional pressure in the offence or to end the game faster if its a shutout.

this WG is perfect…im sorry to all the dudes stuck in the past…but it sinsta queue…D lets O win fast for fast honor and you can get full honor gear VERYYY fast jsut so you can start playign real pvp sooner ( the honor grind was the worst part for all the actual pvprs that wanted to queeu ranked…big bgs/WG were always a " meme" pvp wise…theres no “pvp” spamming aoe into a sea of red names…getting honor capped in 30 mins is jsut too perfect

40v40? What the heck. I thought for sure it would be 100 vs 100.

When OG WOTLK first released, Wintergrasp was super laggy and impossible to win as defense. Maybe they improved that as the expansion went on, but if we are really wanting no changes, then it is accurate as is (not fun, laggy, boring, win trading).

Crazy how much this has been said about anything WoW related over the nearly 20 years of its life…

Well, they fixed being able to queue WG four times every 3 hours hah.

EDIT: Next they need to nerf the Siege damage by about 50%. Then we might actually have a 30 minute game instead of a 9 min zerg rush where Defense is guaranteed to lose.

It is in classic. The actual battle occurs in an instance called Battle for Wintergrasp, not the world zone.
You queue from a battlemaster and get ported right back to it after.

why would you incells want to ruin everyone elses life for no reason?..WHYYY woudl u want that…for WHAt reason could you possibly want to delay honor farm…its a painfull grind everyoen needs to do to THEN queue actual pvp

If it’s cross-realm, does that mean the same faction has control on every server between matches?

Meh, I didn’t really care when you could queue four times in a row every 30 min WG period.

But now that you only get one WG per 30 min, getting defense feels 1000 times as awful as it did previously. Something needs to be tuned to make WG actually possible to win on Defense, now that we only get one Wintergrasp every 3 hours.

Both factions have control all the time so long as someone from each faction wins one Wintergrasp.

When I was a youngin’, we had to actually fight over control of WG to do VoA.

Ikr? Back in my day, my faction never had Wintergrasp, until one brave soul got together a group of soldiers and we zerg rushed the heck out of it in a 40 man premade that completely took the Horde by surprise.

EDIT: Wintergrasp actually meant something at a certain point in OG wotlk. Server Lore was established around what happened in Wintergrasp. This is just sad by comparison.

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I stand corrected, Siege Damage doesn’t need a nerf.

Defense now makes more honor than Offense though lmfao.

Original WG: Capped population to force even BGs. Max of 240.

Only 240 people on your server can do WG each hour, assuming your server has enough dual population to support it

WoW. That’s terrible!

What you’re asking for is for wintergrasp to become how terokkar towers were in TBC, free undeserved honor for the mega faction.