Bring back old PvP elite sets

Hear me out, by earning 1800 rating you earn the full set why not give a single token every season that can be used to purchase the elite pvp set from 1 season. like wise if you hit 2100 token for enchants, 2400 tabards & weapons. there are alot of old sets that are pretty cool and this would add an extra incentive to chase those ratings.


Hmm. It might be a decent opportunity to encourage participation in 2s or sub-gladiator 3s. Like, wins above 2100 in 2s or 3s give progress towards a token that can be exchanged for an elite set, limit one per class/char per season or something.

Assuming they were to consider bringing them back, anyways, which they were during Legion but I think decided not to because they couldn’t really satisfy everybody with how they’d do it.

Because GD came in and said no rating requirements.


considering how trash the elite set looks for monk this season, I am very in favor of this

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A system like the Vicious Saddle for achieving the old Elite Sets, Tabards and Enchants would be great.

The truth is the requirements for getting an “Elite Set” changed over the years. For instance, Legion required 2000+ rating for a Elite Set, but BfA only required 1800+.

That said, getting 1 redeemable Token for 50 Wins at 2400 rating per bracket, per season, would be a solution that doesn’t devalue the prestige of those rare items - as you probably need to get a higher rating than originally intended(*).

The number of wins and rating required could be changed (I honestly think 2400 is too high), as well as adding different token costs for each Elite Item (sets, tabards, enchants, cloaks etc.).

(*) According to Wowhead, only ~2% of accounts ever got more than 2200 rating in 2x2 (the more popular bracket).


yea don’t think thats why they couldn’t satisfy everyone

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I mean… most seasons had a cutoff of 2.2k until like WoD.

However, I will say recoloring some of those old sets for those who get modern achievements is a top tier idea for getting more people involved.

Mage tower sets were a huge hit. I could see these being a huge hit too. One token per 1800 for a recolored legacy set.


Ya would much rather they recolor the sets myself as well.


Yeah, we went from 2200 until Tyrannical where the rating requirement was dropped for a season and then set at 2k until…BFA where it was knocked down to 1800.

It was a contributing factor. Maybe not the main one, but eh.

Those are called raid sets, at least post wild/warmong.


Setting the bar at a gladiator mount requirement seems abit unrealistic, This is to incentivise players to play not to keep the current base. with a bigger pool players have a better chance to hit those higher tiers.


They need to either do this or actually make good pvp sets. I am tired of having recolored raid sets. I want unique PvP sets that show “Hey, this guy PvPs!” instead its just a green version of raid/white and it just shows the lack of care they have for this part of their game.


how about you dont remove prestige from players that earned it?

selfish gits


Maybe Rival for current season, Duelist for legacy set? Elite gets another token, and Gladiator gets a third?


No, I want the tomb set on my priesty. :dracthyr_love_animated: Grrr.

Was moreso refering to the unique models, IE WOD S1.


Those really were fantastic.


This is why I propose recoloring them


True, I made an edit since I too believe 2400 is too high - but at least having it exist would be great.

Personally, I only made it past 2400 only once in all my PvP years.

They sure were, glad I snagged at least the pally one. The priest one was kinda scuffed but the others were pretty sick.

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Yeah, so, the brackets most suffering right now seem to be 2s above like rival-duelist and 3s below gladiator, so adding them there would probably make the most sense.

Birrrrd. :dracthyr_love_animated:


I regret being a dk4lyf until mid BFA