Bring back my Water Elemental

• Mine was an argument against the point of “Mages are not pet classes!” I guess I was not clear on that. My argument is they were a pet class. I am not going to detail the points again.

• It was a choice, you could choose Lonely Winter and get a buff to your damage without the pet or you could have a water elemental.

• My main is a frost mage, 95% of that time, I have played as a frost mage. I have played since classic and I want the permanent water elemental back. I am here on this forum to show my support for the OPs idea.

• I did not use my Water Elemental for role play. If you knew how to use it, you could use the water elemental to your advantage, especially on bursty or directional solo confrontations.

Pet class or not, whether it should be added back as a choice or not; we are not going to agree. And I do not have the time to log into the forums everyday and argue about it. I honestly do not see why it is such a big deal, to have an optional pet. Hell, make it a talent you have to choose to obtain it.

Blizzard, respectfully, this is my feedback.

Were you aware that hunters can already tame some phoenix models? So if you want a permanent phoenix pet, you just need to put on some mail armor and forget your kirin tor training. In fact, if you use your current battle pet, you’ll have 2 out at once!

Will be funny if they add a tameable WE.

Well, hunter is also a pet class. So, you know, that makes sense.

I wonder if it contributes to hunter’s outsized popularity relative to the actual number of classes…

I’m sure you do.

I have one already thank you very much. Also several flavors of permanent Water Elemental. No talent point needed.

And what makes you think she was trained by the Kirin Tor? Maybe she is a spy in uniform. (See? I don’t need any talent points for RP or “fantasy” either.)

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It’s also interesting to note how much random fantasy their available pets represent. You’ve got elemental pets that mages have in lore (phoenixes), solely mechanical, constructs (kyrian flavored, but still magical/animated), fairy dragon, celestial dragonkin, undead (which now finally makes sense with Dark Ranger coming in TWW, but has considerable overlap with the necromancer fantasy they’re adding to DK). Maybe the solution to getting people to play different things is to box in Hunter’s fantasy a little and add new specs to existing classes (leave the current pewpew frost alone) if class diversity is an issue and pets are just that popular.

With 13 classes in the mix, it feels highly restrictive to only have 2 with permanent pets especially if they’re a draw for more than 15% of the playerbase. The solution of “go play one of those” is murder to class diversity.

I have one already thank you very much. Also several flavors of permanent Water Elemental. No talent point needed.

Well if I end up liking hunter, it’ll be hilarious I’ll be able to have a passive phoenix smaller than my foot AND one that can actually fight, while at best fire mages get one that can fight every CD for 5s and one I accidentally kill if I don’t pay attention to where I’m walking with my massive cludgy Draenei hooves, and literally does nothing.

What’s hilarious is that in your imagination we all live in a world that is secretly jealous of pixel pets.

?? I’m not saying you should be. It’s hilarious to me, that I can completely eclipse that aspect of mage’s fantasy with a completely different class. Whether or not mages are jealous is up to them… It’s an interesting thought they might be though.

Our devs have made it clear that they consider the pewpew factor is 80% of our class fantasy.

Well that begs the question of why don’t you go ahead and switch to hunter or warlock if having a pet that can fight is such a key element to your personal idea of class fantasy? Perhaps you will find them more to your liking. And with the Remix active you could have one to max level in a day or two. Have at it.

I’m sure it is to you.

Yeah the nerve of basing a direct damage class around doing direct damage. What could they possibly be thinking?


Yeah I understand that’s where they’re coming from. Though WC2 mages had no pets, warcraft 3 could have up to 3 at once. Welcome to warcraft not based on warcraft. I thought frost having access with the others partitioned off from pets was a good compromise, but to re-open that is to fight in circles.

Though it’s interesting saying what I did about design was so triggering.

Lol there you are in your world again imagining that this conversation means that much to me. I’m amusing myself on a Friday night is all.

So wait, which Warcraft is Warcraft crafted on? The Warcraft where crafty mages could craft pets of war or the Warcraft where they could not? And who are you to decide?

I mean, it’s almost as if gameplay considerations drive the design more than people’s fluid and differing interpretations of class fantasy. Where have I read that before?

Oh, yeah…

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I mean you already admitted we were heavily encouraged to play that way, so I’m not sure where you’re going with that.

Have a great weekend! We’re on different servers so don’t worry, you’ll never see my abomination hunter I’m planning even if I decide to do it. Elemental mount, elemental battle pet, phoenix real pet. Maybe 2? Or maybe I’ll double up on 1 mage and 1 non-mage if I like BM. Or maybe I’ll just let my sub die and troll as much as I can on the way out. It’s perfectly reasonable to think someone’s triggered when they respond sarcastically in a way that agrees with your previous statement. Glad you’re okay.

It’s also glorious being forced to play your fantasy on a class that’s not supposed to support it while also being one of the most popular classes. GG class diversity! This whole situation is ironic on such an entertaining level for me.

I had this controlling guild leader in Vanilla that really hated names that were obviously troll names. I bet if she ever saw the hunter I’m planning she’d have a cow for similar reasons.