I mainly play my mage and I just want my water elemental back. I mainly pvp and I find it bogus that it was taken away. PLEASE give it back.
Since they took the mages water elemental away, will they take the hunters pet away too and any other classes that have a pet that helps them? This is not right, GIVE OUR WATER ELEMENTAL back.
Just IMAGINE the uproar they’d get if Hunters lost their pet. The forums would burn, in-game protests, and utter chaos in major city streets as the masses riot!
Well maybe not that last one, but the loss of the pet is just as serious as hunters having their companions turned into a limited time summon.
it really bugs me that they did such a dramatic change without asking the community. I was part of the old original thread asking for the permanent pet long ago. There was actual developer communication back then. Now it’s just “my way or the highway, we don’t care what you think, and we can freely toss out things you’ve grown attached to over the last 13 years!”
They knew what the community wanted when almost everyone picked lonely winter.
I look at this the same way as i do with hunters pet,don’t mess around a players pets ,you’re in for trouble.
I think what blizz should do is create an NPC that’s in the Legion Dalaran Mage hall speak with them if you want your elemental pet you can get them back. Never understood the reason of removing it in the first place like they are trying to remove fun fro some folks…Oh wait.
And I’m going to add to this if you remove the pet from frost then make a water mage spec so you can have 2 water pets each a different shade of blue with unique spells and abilities.
This is seriously a tragedy. I don’t even want to play anymore after this loss of an option
Based on your achievements, and the zero dungeons/raids/pvp that you do, do you even play? If removal of the WE is what tips you over, I don’t think Blizzard (or these forums) will really miss you.
I very clearly have raids done from the first patch. I took a break this Christmas to play some console games, catch up on my backlog, and planned to come back for the Summer. I played far before achievements were even added to the game. The bulk of my tryharding was done ages ago, and I’ve mellowed out and play every year for at least 6-12 months.
While we’re on the subject, it says you only started playing in 2018 and you’ll probably quit in a year. Does flippancy like that have priority over a long time player?
Regardless, how much someone plays doesn’t devalue their opinion. It’s a silly stance and you shouldn’t sink so low as to argue from that angle. Especially since people can enjoy the game in other ways than raiding at Mythic difficulty.
Weird, because yours states that too. Must have been when the new forums were updated, because I can see both of us have legacy achievements dating back to 2008-9 when they were introduced. As for quitting, it’s possible. Unlike 2005 when this was the only game I played, I now have no scruples with leaving if the game isn’t fun or lacks content. I quit SL because it was truly awful, and Mages were severely not fun to play. In 12 months tiem during the content drought between expansions there’s a good chance I’ll quit then too. No point paying $20 a month to not play.
The point however that you seem to have missed, is that if you don’t do any content what does it matter if an ability is changed or removed? The only thing I can think that you would use the WE for is RP, and in that case summon a non-combat pet and use a biscuit to make it bigger.
I felt like the forums/social media were going through a lot of mob mentality though and kind of parroting streamer opinions that classes/certain specs were boring suddenly, even though many had barely changed in recent years.
The point however that you seem to have missed, is that if you don’t do any content what does it matter if an ability is changed or removed? The only thing I can think that you would use the WE for is RP, and in that case summon a non-combat pet and use a biscuit to make it bigger.
I think you’re the one missing the point. You’re looking through a very weirdly narrow scope that has blindspots over anything that isn’t the latest mythic raid. I already explained that all players enjoy the game in different ways. I’m sure I’m just as good/better at a lot of different content as you are. Like how many attempts did Mage Tower take you? How long did it take you to figure out the Endless Halls? Did you ever help solve parts of the Mystery discord or have you never been apart of those hunts? I’m not demanding Water Ele to come back for the purpose of Mythic raids anyway so the question is kind of moot. I am happy with it being a questing talent. I don’t want much else.
Also, the “raids are the only content” thing is a slippery slope because you’re arguing that raiders (a 10% minority) are the only ones who should be allowed to make requests on the forums. And making changes to “please the minority” is the most common argument on the forums right now against adding the Ele back into the talent tree.
I would be very very happy if MM had a dedicated ranger spec with no pet. MM basically is forced to play Pet in PVP like mage was for decades before lonely winter
You underestimate how many MM hunters would love a Bow ranger specific spec. Right now pet is nearly all of your utility from freedom, pet stun, pet sac, lust. People hate having to summon a pet just for lust or pet stun or freedom\sac then desummoning it.
Not going to lie, many would walk away from the game after spending years collecting and building their stables to see something like that happen.
the big problem here is you guys are comparing hunter/lock pets to the one mage pet we get. we have lots of control spells to contain and kite enemies, while locks and hunters have their entire process and damage centered around their pet. so you really cant compare the two equally. Mage pet is more of a utility rather than turning the mage into a pet class. The pet has no taunt and doesnt do much damage and its main utility is an off GCD frost nova. Im glad its gone tbh, blizzard can now focus on more mage talents and less about some silly pet talent.
Stripping away options is not good for anyone. The long time perma pet should always remain an option.
It costs Blizz nothing to implement considering they abandoned updating the talent 9 years ago when it received its last balance update. Therefore we know it doesn’t need maintenance and won’t be a drain on resource.

Stripping away options is not good for anyone
it is if option is bad and rework made it better.
What would the point to have Rune of power if it was reworked to be useless instead of just removing it
In fairness frost has been hot garbage since legion with our mastery not even scaling any AOE damage above 2 targets in that expansion. Everything in the middle was band-aids. You’d see more people coming back after a serious rework. that’s probably why WE being gone is also a shock to so many people. It’s called survivor bias.
I did like the elemental as an option, used for my Kul-Tiran to RP as a tide sage and had the ice version elemental on my mag’har to signify her as a Frostwolf clan member.
Wish they kept it optional or made toys for each glyph that was made for the elemental.
Is not the point of talents to diversify gameplay on the trees? Then why take away one of our options? My main is this frost mage and I miss my little buddy!