Bring back Masterlooter

Is anyone in this thread asking for ml back in pugs? I havnt seen anyone saying that but maybe I missed a post somewhere idk.


No one is, my post is quite clear.

Anyone arguing otherwise is simply a dunce.


I think they should bring master loot back for guild members, but pugs in the group would get PL.


And, this is exactly what pro-MLers (like myself) are advocating for. IK I’ve said, over and over again, ML will not be activated to be used, unless the group is 100% filled with guild members. There’s already a system in place, in the game, right now, as we speak, that can already count the number of people, in the same guild, in order for guilds to get their Guild Achievements. I’ve been advocating for that same system to be applied, for ML, but the guild MUST be 100% filled with guild members and not the 75% that it requires for Guild Achievements. And, no, the system won’t count a several hour/1 day recruit as a “full on” guild member, either.

To avoid guilds recruiting PuGs, with the anticipation to kick them, later. Also, gives the recruit time to think about, if they really want to be a part of an ML system. Otherwise, I think PL should absolutely stay and remain especially in PuG groups. And, I’ve BEEN saying this. And, you get all (not everyone but a good chunk of them) of these people (that I’ve eventually blocked) screaming at me about how “toxic” I am, and how I want to just “screw over PuGs”, when that is absolutely not true.

It’s like they’re not even reading what’s being said and just attacking anyone who likes ML, even a little bit. There are a couple of nice anti-MLers, in this chat, that can get their point across without resorting to personal attacks, but a lot of them do not. I even blocked somebody that is pro-ML because they’ve resorted to attacking a lot of the rude anti-MLers back instead of blocking them and keeping the conversation civil. Not once, have I read, anybody advocating for ML, for PuGs. Most of the pro-ML arguments is arguing for it to be applied to guild runs, only.

As it should be.


How would that work for a group with 18 in the guild and 2 pugs?

would the boss randomly drop between 4 and 6 items? would the amount of masterlootable items vary between 2 and 4?

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That’s not really what I’m saying. I’ve seen no support for my position, which is:

  • Guild groups can use master loot, but only their own members will be part of master loot. Anyone who pugs into a ML guild raid who is not a guild member will automatically get PL.

There are a lot of different opinions about how a new ML system should work. Even during WoD, when ML was standard and PL was unusual, a lot of guild members/recruiters/gms posted that they always gave out loot fairly to pugs in their guild raids that would no longer qualify as “guild groups” under the new system, but if they had to do PL in a <80% guild group it would hurt their members, who needed that loot.

I’m sure they could come up with an algorithm that would be fair, given the number of pugs and guild members.

Then, I’m inclined to agree with Capslock’s questions regarding your system.

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I feel like no matter how split loot systems work, there will be some way to game the system

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If the optimal solution becomes having 3 players gquit for each boss to potentially get 7 items, that would both be counterintuitive and dumb.

LFR drops are for transmog though :slight_smile:

100% guild group or no ml. As soon as there is 2 pug ml turns off and its back to PL.
I would like to add in another time that Imo ml would be fine too. 100% btag friends. I did a bunch of keys last night with some good friends that are spread across 4 different guilds. Imo that would be fair to ML in too since we are all btag friends with each other.

Or instead of ML at all I am fine with PL with no trading restrictions if they slightly modify the odds of drops that are common across all loot types eg lower the chance of a neck/ring/Cape so we don’t get 4 necks dropping at once.

Nah, this is what I am talking about. If master loot comes back it will seep into other aspects of the game I historically care about. Best just to leave it as is, personal loot for all.

What is wrong with me and 4 buddies who have been doing keys together in some cases a year in other cases longer playing how we want to play together?

We can’t all raid at the same times. We live in 3 different time zones and havre real life commitments some nights.

Once again. No one is trying to take away PL from you and your mates.

If the boss would drop 4 items, the game figures out if the 2 pugs were the lucky winners, if they were they get their item and 1 item is taken from the ML pot. If they arent the lucky ones, the full 4 items show up in the ML pot. the pugs should never see any of the ml function, who got what. Blizz didnt need to broadcast who won what drop, this is the cause of a lot of toxicity. If things just dopped in someones bags without any drama, they could say"hey mister mage! I had the ring of kickrump wizardry drop and I dont need it, do you want it?" wasted gear would be cut drasticly and happiness would reign. Until next week at least.

Yes, this isn’t going to become the norm once reintroduced.

Do you have the slightest idea why it was removed in the first place?

Are you trying to swap to say that it was a problem among btag friends instead of the trial abuse and guild ninjaing that you among others have been claiming for the last two thousand posts?

No, I’m saying the current system is fine and control freaks don’t need to be able to lord over loot.

We tried it, it sucked and we all remember.

why are you trying to control what me and my friends can do then if you dont think people should be (in your words) “control freaks”? you arnt even in the group and you want control


“everyone should be free to play how they want. unless it’s different from how i play.” never change, forum posters!