Bring back MASTER LOOT

How is it not relevant even though were talking about master loot in general, wat.


or fix the massive rng element to personal loot. doing mythic+ and getting zero gear is not fun in any way.


Blizzard also knew that pruning was a great idea. And that Azerite armor would replace tier sets, legendaries, and artifact weapons. They are wrong quite often. Do you have an actual argument against guild master loot?


You quoted me. I said guild master loot worked just fine in Legion. When raids were braindead easy “back in the day” you could get away with more stuff. You just can’t anymore, so it’s not relevant. Anyone who has done mythic raiding in the last 4 years knows this.

Yeah, screw the GMs girl friend, and screw the players that come back for two weeks for a raid then quit after they get all the loot they wanted.


Pretty sure the GM already has that covered.


Master loot was so easily abused. People ninja looted all the time. Nothing sucks more than going through a raid and effectively not even getting a chance for a piece of loot, because the raid leader decided to take it or just trade it with a friend.

With personal loot, you still have the option to roll off gear if it’s not needed for the person it drops for. My raid team just passes all unneeded pieces to the raid leader, and then he rolls them all off.

One thing I would like to be changed though is the restrictions on trading “upgrades”. Myself and a few other members of my raid team geared a lot faster than some other memebers, and it always felt bad when we got a drop that we didn’t need, but we couldn’t trade it because it was technically an upgrade in the eyes of the game (ilvl, socket, etc), but was maybe a piece that we weren’t going to actually use because of worse secondary stats or corruption.

I really wish loot from bonus rolls were able to be traded too. I’m almost completely in 475 gear at this point. I would love to be able to use rolls to help guildies who are still needing certain upgrades. And I can’t tell you how many N’zoth trinkets I’ve bonus rolled while trying to get the helm.


Leave the guild. Not hard.

This still happens with personal loot so that’s not relevant. The first 2 Mythic Vita trinkets off Ra-Den in my guild went to people who quit before N’zoth. Nothing has changed here.


true, yeah true. yeah, pretty true. truers.

I mean even the GM didn’t even mention anything about my BiS gear taken away going into GM’s gf that I WON. After that happened, I immediately left the guild and always asked myself “WTF just happened”.

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This is what needs to happen. I actually don’t care that much about master loot coming back, and it seems like it’s never coming back. But if we could remove trade restrictions, even if it’s just for people in the same guild or on your friends list, that would be a HUGE improvement.

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It’s hardly RPG to have players make OOC decisions to distribute loot to their clique instead of the rest of the raid.

Personal loot has worked amazingly well. No longer do we see complaints about “useless” loot, even from Mythic raiders. There’s plenty of opportunity to distribute the loot that does drop. The only people who object to it any more are a few trolls.


I just would rather be able to only roll on gear I want, not be forced to take every piece of crap the game gives me while at the same time lowering my chance for the loot I want.

Find new guild then? You want blizzard to save you from a situation you’re willingly staying in.

well not really, because if its an ilvl upgrade u cant trade it, even if it has stats that are no good for you

First rule of loot
Don’t loot the boss
Check mail later


I think there should be a list of key words and phrases that get that gets posts auto deleted. Starting with remove LFR, Pathfinder, China and BLM.

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Clearly the only solution is to delete LFR.

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So trade all your unwanted loot to the enchanter.

How would that help me getting the loot I want?