100% disagree. I don’t want a title or some crappy toy. I completed the challenge with the understanding that it would disappear. And seeing that the Mage Tower is still a discussion indicates that it was successful. They should’ve done another in BFA but chose not to. If you want an anniversary event where you get to at least do the challenge then I’m not going to object. Where I will is the mog that comes with it.
There are plenty of mogs that came from Legion across all of the patches. It’s not that big of a deal that some of them have gone away.
I mean I already have them. It’s like one of those points that makes me not want to recommend the game. Removal of content/rewards. The hunter ones weren’t so bad. And some of the challenges varied on spec. Hunters did not struggle.
I don’t think that really changes what I’m saying though. The content was removed because classes changed. Legendaries gone, Artifact Abilities removed all means that the challenge is going to be different. If you want a new reward for it cool. The old ones are gone. If people can’t handle that then they shouldn’t play.
If you already did them, why would you want a yearly event? You’re permanently locked out and wouldn’t be able to do them again…unless they change the way mage tower works.
This is why I can’t get behind an event–it’s content and then a reward purely for those who missed/skipped the event and nothing for those who followed the guidelines.
Alts, alliance alts, new players, friends I would get to play the game that want it? Idk. I am open to it. Not bitter about it. As long as the old players are not forgotten. It’s my point of view at least. It’s just a video game.
I think trusting any announcement in regards to content is worth more than players getting a few mogs. If they bring back the mogs, that means the announcement they made that it would be limited time were worthless and lies.
I just want them to add something like the Mage Tower into BFA, but that would require them to make gear that actually looks good and based off what I’ve seen in BFA…yikes.
This right here. Besides your point about the Artifact and Legendary items, this right here is the key. Hunters should know this best seeing as Survival went from being a “caster” ranged DPS spec to a melee one.
Because no one played it for the most part. I can count on my thumbs the number of hours I played it on Legion which was only to get the triple crown on my hunter which is my main.
But let’s put the Mage Tower back in WoD when Survival was still a caster DPS spec and then Legion came along and put it as Melee. You think Blizzard is going to go back and redo the Mage Tower just to accommodate that spec change?