Bring back mage tower artifact appearances

You’re free to check my achievements if there’s some achievement for it. If. It I could always screenshot it in game later tonight when I get online, but I did get it. I’ve been playing since TBC and Mage Tower wasn’t difficult for me. I wouldn’t mind if someone did it today and got the mage tower appearance for the artifact, it doesn’t diminish my accomplishment back then or anything.

And I mean, that’s the only logical explanation to why you’d be against a change like this. Maybe you got an appearance on your rogue there and feel special about completing it in Legion, and feel as if it’s returned, it’ll diminish that somehow. You’re trying to cling to some type of relevancy lol.

But it is the same challenge. We can argue all day about the nuances of what is different and what isn’t, but you’re being purposely dense if you don’t think it’s the same challenge.

it’s not the same challenge…not even close. there’s actually plenty of evidence to support the claim that it’ll never be the same either.

You can look at classic WoW as a good example.

Content that’s been solved and min/maxed to death, isn’t the same as when it was current in a completely different era.

please know what you’re talking about :grimacing:


I don’t like when people bring this up. There are plenty of players who didn’t play WoW during Legion or didn’t even start the game until post-Legion that this arbitrary gatekeeping effects. You’re implying that everyone who doesn’t have it was being lazy and passing up the opportunity on purpose.

How insane do you have to be to think they’re remotely the same challenge when artifacts used to heavily play a role in your performance of the fight with only a few of those abilities actually sticking around for some specs and they’ve been randomly spitball balanced to offset the lack of legendaries for players now? Guardian Druid challenge was unnecessarily complicated if you didn’t have Luffa Wrappings available to you. Outlaw Rogue if you were at gear level still required Will of Valeera to have the self sustain to last beyond Crimson Vial windows, as well as the inherent 30% damage reduction effect of Feint at the time which you kept rolling 100% of the time.

What are you even on to think it’s the same challenge when they’ve squished the stats and item levels to the point that stats get out of control very fast for no reason at all in lower content and classes have completely reworked talent trees, abilities, playstyles, and have gained and lost abilities they may or may not have had access to back then?

This is like saying doing Ramparts on my level 10 MW monk twink that can solo the entire dungeon in 3 minutes is the exact same as running Ramparts in TBC where it could take upwards of 40 minutes just the game was so different the idea of pulling 20 things and mindlessly aoeing it down wasn’t even a possibility because we didn’t just have infinite mana bars. They are in no way the same and thinking they are because they’re both Ramparts is just beyond foolish reasoning skills.


It is the same. The mechanics have not changed at all. The numbers and scaling have changed and that’s it. We go to the exact same tower to talk to the exact same NPC to enter the exact challenge. Scaling and modern talents are the only difference. We still jump the same hurdles and face the same challenge.

Moot point considering they’re starting to bring back lots of items from “limited time events” in current patch. They’re doing that right now with old Naxxramas tier sets and old scholomance items. You can now obtain them again.

Same with Twitch drops, Fel Drake was a TCG only item and costed an arbitrary amount of real life money to obtain today until they made it a twitch drop. Other toys and mounts were given the same treatment. At this point I don’t see the problem.

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not sure if serious here…

(it’s cool either way) :revolving_hearts:

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necroamcner lookin like a deathknight.

i hope they dont but if they do… do it to the point where its very very ery hard just like it was back in the time.

Lol what? I’m not sure that you are. How in the world can you actually say this is an entirely different thing? Lmao. The numbers have changed and that’s it.

Please explain to me how it’s different without using modern talents and timewalking scaling to persuade me.

It’s the same you guys because the mechanics are the same. Never mind the fact we have access to things we didn’t before, and also don’t have access to things we readily had access to then. Never mind the fact it was designed, and tuned with artifacts and legendary abilities and levels in mind that would be needed to complete the fight at proper item level which are no longer things anymore.

Still the same by the way because well, the mechanics are the same. Everything else is radically different but I assure you it is the same…

LMFAO this guy.

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you think it’s just the numbers that changed huh?

can you explain why there’s no challenge in classic WoW anymore, and the rewards are bloated on those servers?

cuz less than 200 players in the world on retail servers have a corrupted ashbringer, so there must be an explanation.

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You’ve still yet to use anything unrelated to scaling to convince me it’s different. I’ve already acknowledged multiple times that it’s the only difference.

Again, purposely dense.

The entirely unrelated attempt at forming a counter argument is where I stop valuing your input. You’ve still yet to bring up any real difference aside from numbers and talents.

It isn’t the same challenge because you have had like 6 more years to get good at WoW. Everyone is pro at WoW at this point.

it’s okay, we all know you’re not very well versed on this topic.

you think scaling is the only difference, and that’s just objectively wrong…evidence also poured in your face.

i guess you can “feel” however you want though, so gg i guess!


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False equivalency, Naxxramas and Scholomance never once were said to be limited time. They were just randomly changed without any word from the playerbase. We were never told with Vanilla that in the magical expansion of Mists of Pandaria in the distant future that the dungeon would be very different so I had better get my necropile robes then because in the expansion before it I would also be able to use the appearances of things over the gear I was wearing. Or that the end raid of it would be going away when Wrath of the Lich King dropped to be reused as the entry tier raid. No, we kind of just learned those things when expansion announcements happened.

FFS Scholo itself changed numerous times in Vanilla. It was released as a 15 man raid that if you really wanted you could bring 40 into for crying out loud. It became a 5 man very late into Vanilla and numerous times throughout it had to be nerfed because runs could actually take multiple hours and the loot tables were abysmal. It had a very rare 1% drop shirt off a boss that was a highly coveted drop because when the game released, shirts actually had inherent stats on them and that was the best damage dealing one. While the one from UBRS gave you 20 to all resistances from the whelp boss that people after the nerf all wanted to skip because it had no point to be killed in the run.

The fact you’re trying to equate “Blizzard overhauling content in order to reuse it” and something quite literally said as “THIS IS GOING AWAY AT THE END OF LEGION” as being the same is funny to me. You can’t actually think this way, can you? Is your reasoning so truly flawed? Are you that desperate for pixelated appearances you’re willing to stoop to this level of intellectual dishonesty?

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I did the Discipline Mage Tower challenge back in Legion and it was a walk in the park my guy. I also did the reworked Mage Tower in Shadowlands, and it felt the same.

I would argue it was a bit more challenging in the reworked version because I didn’t have my OP artifact traits or OP legendary equipment like I did in Legions version.

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STILL no real reasons. Have a nice day!

Point missed. I mained DH in Legion, but decided against pressing hard for the appearance. It wasn’t something I was willing to grind at since I just wanted to raid and the occasional M+. The only one I wanted was the Havoc DH glaives. But again, they stated from the start that it was limited time and wouldn’t be coming back. So I’ve accepted that.

It would to most people that earned them under the pretense that it wouldn’t be coming back. Maybe not to you, but you’re just one person. There aren’t many of them around and they do prove that you did it when it was a limited time offer. You may not care about that but some do. A vast majority of things in game are still obtainable.

A small percentage of things being only available when they came out is okay. I don’t suffer from FOMO so I don’t mind there are things I can no longer get. Such as the legion mage tower appearances.

And wrong again. Keep assuming. You know what they say.