Bring back Mage Tower appearances so my friends will play again

Because people want these exact designs. Not new or unnecessary ones. A big reason why the class hall transmogs are not liked. You may not use them but they are low qualities of the MoP-challenge sets.


How do you know that a new design wouldnt be better than these weapons? Then you would forget all about the mage tower weapons.

An example of this: I think WOD challenge mode CloudSong Glaive looks really cool but I actually like my windwalker mage tower fists better

This is my take. Blizzard is already perfectly fine rehashing old content and dungeons.

Why on earth would you design time limited rewards? It is content people could do in the future during lulls.

  • Maybe treat them like vicious mounts, where you need to earn current before you can work on past.
  • Or require rating in current season to buy old season stuff
  • Or an arbitrary time limit (not available until 2 xpacs later)
  • Or some combo of all of the above.

If we have to, then do it for rewards from 10.0 and going forward… to quell all of the “advertised as such” non-sense.


Because it keeps you subscribed for when they are available.

Imagine if this was the Twitch drops they have noted on the Dragonflight roadmap.

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“Do I need a pink weapon while the FOMO black one suits the transmog armor I love?”

There is your answer.

FOMO marketing to prop up sub numbers - don’t like it, but it is what it is.

See also: MoP and WoD legendary items, MoP challenge modes, Wrath T7 meta-achievement mounts, AQ gate event, etc.

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Nah don’t bring it back.

I think this is a very good idea. If you get so upset by seeing these forum posts, you should stay away. It would not only benefit you and your mental health but the forum posters as well.

I’m genuinely not trying to be rude but you don’t know what a new item would be or even look like. It is possible that blizzard puts in a new solo challenge that rewards weapon mog that better suits the transmog armor you love.

Would I like blizzard to put them back? Of course. But it just doesn’t seem like it will happen.

I’m not offended but you need to understand this mindset: You require an item which works well with something you have and no other item can give you this. And now it’s gone and you should be satisfied with another color of the same item, although it does not a) reflect you or b) the style you go for.

People try to force recolors on them which is not good. Everyone deserve their dream items, regardless how “late” they are. The FOMO-system is outdated and needs to be revisited.

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Focus on what’s available now and in the future.



No. You wish for elitism is read and accepted but we need to move on from this. We do not gatekeep people from having fun anymore.


I’d argue its not, because of all the fear you guys seem to have. Working as intended. Now you’re going to stay subbed to not miss out on anything in the future.

This doesn’t seem like a reliable strategy.


It’s different for everyone. I have not moved the slightest finger for the Slime Cat mount because it has no value as RPer for me. However, I do agree it should stay available for other people who love the WotLK/SL-style and want to ride it.

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“Blizzard we hate fomo!”.

buys tokens
buys 3 dozen carries because there’s no times to do it legit anymore.

Blizzard :

dream items?

get better and reach your goals…not that difficult imo :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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It’s a cool end of expansion reward for people that are still playing the content. :dracthyr_heart: Being able to go “oh that’s cool, i’ll go get it when it’s easier” isn’t as fun.

I agree but you’re just one drop of many different player and player styles. Remember, your justification is not absolute and they do go back on their own words.

Just don’t go maverick if they change it in the future, which will happen at some point, because you realize how much time you have wasted and other players can reach the same level with less effort or money.

In the end it is just a game.

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