Bring back Mage Tower appearances so my friends will play again

This seems to be why they rarely ever change it. :dracthyr_love_animated:

That’s kind of how you get people to stop playing content now.

Correct, it is just a game. It’s ok if you can’t get everything.

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And if it never happens, you’ll regret having dedicated so much emotional energy to something you had no control over.

It often comes down to “it’s just pixels” and “nobody cares” while demanding that stuff comes back or the game will die. Curious, isn’t it.

I got the challenge appearance I cared about in Legion, before Tomb opened, with 1 legendary, and without tier from even Nighthold.

They should just let people earn the artifact appearances again. It’s complete removal of a cool questline in Legion for every class. If someone wants to go back and play something they weren’t able to at the time, they should be able to do so. The challenge in of itself and its inability to be carried is enough to deter a lot of players from even completing the challenge in tbe first place.

But if a player who normally is not so great at the game works really hard and learns how to clear it, what do you get? A BETTER PLAYER WHO WAS ABLE TO TEST THEIR METTLE AND FEEL GOOD ABOUT IT!!!

That’s something we should all want for other players! Instead, a lot of us are out here gatekeeping the community for no good reason other than wanting to feel like we have some kind of badge of honor for being there during Legion, where you may have just cleared the stupid challenge in full 940+ gear and been way overgeared for it in the first place.

It’s insulting that players now can complete a scaled, much more tightly tuned version of the challenge and so many of you here and blizzard are willing to gatekeep those players


it’s not gatekeeping (not even sure people that keep using that word even understand its meaning)…anyways - there’s lots of variables as to why some rarity and exclusive items are good for an MMO in the long run.

a new player can earn almost every single item a 15+ year veteran has…that’s more than enough accessibility if you ask me. :100:

the difference is these days, is that modern MMO players want things right away, with no effort at times…that’s not good imo

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Children’s Week, the last changes so everyone can their Proto Dragon.
That one specific person vented for two weeks and how unfair it is that these “casual can get it now without doing the BGs!!!111”

I fully expect that they will change the system at one point because how often this topic comes up.

Not really. I’m far better off as the usual regular player and I do enjoy posting here. Words do have power though and I do want to give people a voice when they feel unhappy or unheard. Gatekeeping is a toxic mindset to begin with but I do understand from where these thoughts come.

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Are there still people working on that?

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Must’ve been on some other account since you completed your legendary research on the 2nd of April and got your appearance on the 20th. Unless you were super unlocky running both Nighthold and Emerald nightmare before the 20th, on top of Karazhan and all Mythic dungeons, but not getting a 2nd legendary for it, and having played Legion since 2016.

Could have at least made it believable by just saying “before Tomb”.

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I’m OK with bringing them in so long as they are reskinned or something so the originals are still unique and can be used as a badge of honor.

Of course? From all of the witty postings you wrote, this is actually the offensive one. You really, really, need to get into the mindset how new players feel and what they do. You’re too up ahead with your 37k achievement points.

“Do you remember what life you had before you got rich?” hits the nail here. But I digress for tonight, it is getting late.

Good night, everyone

The current mage tower is much more difficult than it was in Legion, that’s the entire crux of the argument.

It disables legendaries, tier, heart, etc. It’s just the base class with its abilities and NOTHING else no powers from any expansion are used. If the Mage Tower stays like this it’s always hard for anyone who steps in

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Yeah, I wasn’t demanding that everything I didn’t manage to earn come back and/or be made easier. :dracthyr_love_animated: Not getting the Zul’aman bear, gladiator in earlier expansions, old elite sets, etc. And…that’s fine.

Depends on the spec, for some it’s massively easier now :

Whew, 30 seconds. :dracthyr_sweat:

tbh, not really…current mage tower feels like a proving grounds where you just memorize how to deal with each scenario, and don’t fail.

just a skill issue imo :100:

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Assassin Rogues vs Arcane Mage, it’s not a skill issue, it’s the “you don’t do double the dps yet the mobs have double the health somehow” issue.

Just let us outgear the challenge like you could in Legion.

is it doable?

I had 2 legendaries. Sephuz Secret + Shield of Vengeance Bracer. I really don’t count the Vegeance Bracer because, at the time I was doing it, it wouldn’t activate for death damage for a lot of content

That’s crazy with the 36 second arcane mage though. Had no idea anyone was able to cheese it so effectively currently