Bring Back Fel Flame for Destro

How do we still not have this ability back? It was incredibly useful to hit things like totems and banners.

Plus, it was light damage and shard generation on the move.


For all 3 specs. I agree, I remember it never was powerful but onthe run and at least something to spin the flag at nodes.


Does the instant damage from a corruption cast for aff not spin flags? its been ages since ive pvp’d. I’m pro fel flame for any spec that doesnt have a flag spinner though.


Idk, I play demo…until they ruin that

Have been leveling up a new Man’ari Destro Warlock and this ability is sorely missed from my time playing back in MoP.

I hate not being able to easily tap totems, banners, re-stealths and flag spinners in PvP. It always feels wrong to burn a conflag instead.

Why was this ability ever removed?


Bc smooth brains complain about bloat. I think it’s silly to have too many spells and complain about having diversity but that’s just my opinion.


It does.

So next patch?

Another thing I just re-remembered from my MoP days while leveling up a new Destro lock…

Fel flame is also useful as it does not consume backdraft charges.

Say you have 3ish shards and you start hitting conflagration but it isn’t enough to quite get you to 4 full shards for a double chaos bolt. Right now you have to use up a backdraft charge on incinerate to get to the 4 shards, instead of using it for the fast double cast chaos bolt.

With Fel flame, if you happen to conflag too early for full shard, you can still get there while maintaining your buffs.

Please bring this back! Fel flame alone makes destro feel incredibly smooth to play!

Demon Hunters stole it


Really hope they add it back to the game… Was a great filler in pvp while moving around


Absolutely it is sorely missed!

Whether its spinning nodes, killing totems/banners, filler on the move or just generating some extra shards… this ability is massive for gameplay in PvP.

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Full support this post: would love to see Fel Flame back. I always felt it was the Warlock Ice Lance!

Also, I believe, it added a few seconds to our DoTs but not repeatedly. Hope this spell is returned to us: especially because it was GREEN/FEL colored!

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Also wanted to add, Fel Flame is great for breaking a warrior’s spell reflect!

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curse of weakness is good to eat a spell reflect too tbh

but yeah i’d love fel flame back, even if it’s just for destro


Haven’t thought about burning up curse of weakness on spell reflect. Good call!

I think at this point it would be safe to bring it back for destro only. The spell really seems to fit best there.

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just make sure it’s not amplified when you do lol


CoW is the PERFECT ability to use on Spell Reflect. I’ve been doing this for years! Granted, you want to ensure you wait until SR is used before you Amplify Curse for CoW, otherwise that could suck! Tbh, I don’t know if an Amplified CoW would prevent CB or Conflagrate/Shadowburn from critting when talented into Conflagration of Chaos because those spells are GUARANTEED crits and have nothing to do with the player’s Crit chance.

Regardless… CoW eating SR is the way to go… even if Fel Flame is restored to Destro, which it should be!

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I raise glyph of nightmares


Go play Enhancement shaman Elemental build and try to tell me ability bloat isn’t a thing. Way to many buttons