Bring Back Fel Flame for Destro

It’s hard to explain if you are someone who doesn’t frequently play a lot of Destro, but Fel Flame is an ability that makes sense to come back despite the concerns for any button bloat.

Shaman does have more binds than most other classes. Some love it and some hate it. I personally would like to see it smoothed out a bit.

Fel Flame isn’t a problem for our spec. It would likely change a rotational keybind but many would welcome it back.

I personally would rather us reduce a button if we need to, through mixing Curse of Weakness with Curse of Tongues. Both effects combined for like 60-85% of full value. Something thats outside our potential damaging spells.

Plus, anything for Warlock from MoP era is always welcomed. :metal:t2:

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I have one. I will never complain about having choices and options. Ive been plyaing this a long time and rememebr when they did a pruning. Nobody thought it was fun or better. If you think folks complain now about being forced to take certain options for talents etc…wait until you only have 5 buttons to press. If it is too much, why not play something else though?

They’re not choices or options.

One quick note before discussing the specific changes to each spec, Searing Totem is being removed as a baseline button to all Shaman. Searing Totem was brought back in Shadowlands with the intention of Totems being a cool and iconic part of the Shaman class, but without significant redesign to the button to give it mechanical interaction and feeling impactful to press, it wound up feeling like just another cooldown you had to manage that didn’t have any excitement behind it.”

You being forced to press a button because if you don’t is just a flat out dps loss.

Every class have a thing for everything is also homogenous

Ill bite, what is your point of view Anilahtion? What do you mean by that? Tia

Or a better alternative: Bring back Kil’jaeden’s Cunning (the 5.4.0 version) so we are good.

amplified curse of weakness does not prevent guaranteed crits

just imagine if they took inspiration from their own games…
imagine fel flame like gul’dan’s in HoTS…

tack on a means for it to refresh immolate or apply i and now we’re cookin’

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A big issue of class/spec design currently is how underwhelming it feels as long time players of those specs/classes.

Destro is starting to lead in this area. It is hard to not say that, going back to MoP, the spec has really received the love and improvements that it should have.

What Destro needs right now is any of the following, to bring it up to modern speed.

-Fel Flame returned into our talent tree
-Rain of Fire Baseline (No need to talent into Rain of Fire)
-Cataclysm easier to path and pick up from converting rain of fire into a baseline spell

For all Warlock Specs…
-Combine Curse of Weakness/Curse of Tongues into one curse (Only keeping around 65-85% of their current effectiveness)

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id like to see ember tap return