Bring back Era Clone Service

why not. would it bother you? would if somehow effect your play. or are you just trying to be a jerk to others?


It destroys the server flooding it with your fully geared 60s so you can do your garbage GDKP and boost runs.

You missed the boat. Now stop flooding the forums with your trash spam.

I have a few 60s that are on WoTLK that I haven’t touched. Some even from SoM.

Wish I could bring them to era.


na, we have just as much right to post as you :clown_face: so if only for you, i’ll keep posting :slight_smile:

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I cannot play them on classic WoW. They might as well have moved my characters to club penguin servers by this logic. Most people are not playing wotlk expansion.

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And, another one to mute.

Actually you can, Wrath is called “World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic” in full.

I think you meant “World of Warcraft: Classic Era”, but there were never on that realm to begin with and that’s the reason they are not in there now. That and your absence from the game which made blizzard choose for you.

Those realms should have never progressed, They should have made new ones for the expansion and kept the original 2019 realms as classic era. That would have solved 99% of the issues people are facing right now

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No, it happened the way it should have. People abandoned Era like ratsz off a sinking ship.

And what about those, in my opinion the majority, who wanted to move on to TBC then Wrath?

Do you know what else would have solved the issue? Those people actually being proactive and choosing to Move to Era themselves, you know, taking responsibility for their own choice. That’s what I did.

And what about those, in my opinion the majority, who wanted to move on to TBC then Wrath?

They could have cloned forward. It makes more sense to keep people behind unless they chose to move forward. Forcing people forward defeats the spirit of classic, its just replaying retail at that point and that was not the point of classic.


this is the problem, not everyone can be proactive all the time, classic was supposed to be a place to play the original version at your own pace. If people need to take long breaks because of life, they gotta take long breaks, its still a big L by blizzard. idk why you gotta be a jerk about it

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It makes sense TO YOU, not to the majority of people.

It’s the perfect spirit of Classic, moving forward onto the next expansion.

Actually it never was that, and I would like to see you quote Blizzard saying that.

thats the spirit of retail, not classic
 Classic is Vanilla, TBC and Wrath are not classic

Yes it was, literally what it was for, when they made it, it was for vanilla, they only did BC and then WoTLK as a cash grab, it was never intended for those expansions, just the original “my favorite flavor is vanilla” he didn’t say and “fel and frost”


So no proof then.

There’s literally no benefit to people gate-keeping era clones.
If you secured your clone and are an era enjoyer then more power to you.
This doesn’t detract from the fact that people (who possibly missed out due to circumstance) are entitled to want this option.
Different situation for someone with a regretful level 80 wanting to go back.

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Nah it was always meant as a way to segue into TBC and WOTLK. And I assert this with as much evidence as your assertion.

What about us that didn’t go through the dark portal? We didn’t make that choice

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Funny how a select few individuals are really against people requesting the cloning service being brought back. The era servers are already riddled with gold buyers and gdkps. Not bringing back the cloning service only magnifies those already present problems. If the clone service is brought back and characters are only able bring BoP items and no gold, Not sure any argument being made against these request is valid and further more I’m starting to suspect the people constantly posting on the forums against the return of the clones are just gold sellers. Just meaningless jokes that no one laughs at.
In addition, with the introduction to the new pvp ranking system, seems only fitting to allow folks that slept on the original cloning opportunity to have a chance once more.

Bring back the cloning service Blizzard. Please and thank you.


most of us do not even have a lvl 80, we have a 60 from server era that we never cloned to the era servers because due to being away we never knew about this forced forward approach and the need to clone to keep your character on vanilla. Always assumed you would remain on vanilla unless you chose to opt forward.

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You forfeited the choice when the service ended.