Bring back Era Clone Service

you always harass people?

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Just spitting truths my friend. You’re the one carrying on like some tragedy has been done to you. I’m just pointing out the silliness of it.

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sillyness of a paid services between company and customer? im not alone on this and sure can suck it up and move on, but changes can also be made and i would like to voice my opinion to blizzard. if you dont like it you too can take your own advice move on and not try to act like you’ve never had an issue with a company, blizz isn’t going to give you brownie points for trying to be their soft gatekeeper :clown_face:


Brah, you need to get out and touch grass
the four other people crying about this need to as well.

Maybe all your alts that post the same rubbish can join you.

and one last thing, your toons are deleted so
it ain’t happenin’.

thanks for supporting the cause and bringing awareness to the popularity of people wanting to clone their lost characters. we appreciate your efforts in this cause.

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I think it’s more an issue of what not how.
With not many characters being genuine 60 classic toons anymore it would be quite difficult.
Many have been effected by expansions with gear and of course gold.
How do blizzard identify what gear was obtained in classic? And with 1mil gdkp pots and wow tokens, how do they sanitise how much gold is transferred/cloned over?
Also allowing a cloned “shrunk” version of a 80 toon will dilute the classic player base and detract from what it was that made classic genuine.
I think although a classic era clone would have many players reaching for their wallets, it’s a question with too many problems.

what about those with classic era toons that are unmistakenly a vanilla character clone. My characters all have numbers and letters after there name because im assuming as soon as i log into them for the first time i will need to change the names. so those characters have not been touched. There would have to be some limitations like you can’t be over 60. i would even agree to loose all my gold, i got professions and can easily farm/ah some goods to get gold back. there are deff ways to make it work. its all about do they want to put the effort in for it.


The time and effort to do that far outweighs the amount they will be able to recoup selling the service.

People need to face it, the data is gone and the service is not coming back, the data cannot be “remade” from Wrath data either.


Moreover people will fundamentally look to abuse it. Stacking up cheap rank 14 gear. Having their buddies farm up AQ before cloning. The list goes on.
Unless blizzard wheel out a log of everyone’s characters pre-tbc and allow purchasable buy-backs, I think we need to let go of the dream.

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I would love to see this happen. I think originally it was more fun leveling in original classic cus all the people who were playing but now that doesnt seem to be the case for me at least.


#end classic era to end the clone complaining from people that didnt pay attention aka missed the portal.

yea, bring it back so people stop complaining to bring it back


Bring back the clones.
Please and thank you.


please and thank you.

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Thanks for your feed back :slight_smile:
Please continue to post here, we need more attention to this matter.


Unfortunately, your experience is very common among classic players. Most original classic characters were deleted and now are unplayable, despite 1000s of hours put into them.

Blizzard needs to make this right and restore deleted classic characters.


Alt detected! Whass up Krox!

Not true at all. You can play them if you didn’t choose Era, on the Wrath realms.

I can totally empathize yall, Blizz royally screwed me over too.

I quit retail WoW in early Cataclysm some time in January of 2011 because I had to go on a super secret special forces mission to save planet earth and every single one of its inhabitants. It was a grueling, arduous task of 20 work hour days, 7 days a week in conditions that would kill the average man but I did what I had to do for humanity and the animal kingdom.

It took a few years but I managed to do it (youre welcome btw) followed by a long hospital stint as the many selfless sacrifices I made took a massive toll on my body. I almost didnt make it but my love of Warcraft and my level 85 character gave me the will and the strength to survive.

As you can imagine, saving the world is serious business and I completely and totally forgot to stay up to date on what was going on the planet surface. So you can imagine my surprise when I logged for the first time in years only to find out that Blizzard had moved on without me and put out two more expansions.

Like, what the hell? Nobody told me this was going to happen and Blizzard made no attempt to find me and ask my permission what to do with the toon and account I had long stopped paying for. Talk about unfair!

When I was finally able to move my limbs in late 2016 after the 281 surgeries I endured my level 85 was now in Legion. I cant even begin to describe what an absolute slap in the face this was. What a horrible mistake they made, taking care of the other 99.99% of actually paying customers ahead of me.

So yeah, Blizz is quite obviously indebted to me even though they aren’t and they need to fix this by rolling retail back to Cataclysm so my character can do the Cata content like I desperately wanted too before I quit the game voluntarily and stopped paying for it.

I will not stand for this level of mistreatment and expect this to be remedied ASAP.


Aha you played DOOM.