Bring back Era Clone Service MEGATHREAD!

Please bring back the cloning service.

Id love to see a reply from blizzard here.


Please bring back the service for the poor fools like me that missed the window.
Not asking for anything for free.

I just assume that the data was not deleted because of how big of a blunder it would be for blizz and the fans that would eventually want to return once classic BC/Wrath had run its course. I presume there are hundreds of thousands of characters that could be re acquainted with the service.

But if blizzard decided to make another official statement and reiterate about the clones being deleted then so be it. Put it to a final rest or bring it back.


I know there are no more game masters or devs for classic anymore. But i will bump this thread for a chance to give there horrible company more money for my characters that were deleted while i was gone. ty fu bye


Can we get a reply from blizzard on this matter please?

Is un-subbing the only way to get a response? Vote with your dollars people.


What is there to reply too? They’ve stated everything is deleted as of July of 2022. Thats the final nail in the coffin. Do you need yet another blue post reinterating that same exact thing?

Considering the original post warning people about the cloning service changing from a permanent store feature to something that would be phased out had incredibly low click through rate… yes. Some reiteration would be greatly appreciated.

The avenues they chose to alert people such as, innocuous discount emails, forum posts where less than 10,000 people viewed, and a decision not to collaborate with streamers in an effort to spread the word… I don’t believe anyone had fair warning.

Many agree it is extremely likely that all clones still exist given the nature of how character data is stored, the individual sum of even extremely progressed characters only adding up to a handful of kilobits. There are simple solutions for reacquainting the clones back into Azeroth today that have been explored in these forums that won’t cause upheaval to Classic Era’s eco-system.

May 22, 2022, is when we were given 30 days’ notice that they would cycle it out. Until then, we all had the fair impression it would always be available.
No doubt this was at a time when people were looking the other way as well.
If, they choose to leave this matter unaddressed, this is nothing short of roguery.

If that truly is the final nail in the coffin, they buried live ones.

And making change without a platform is hard so,

If blizzard has buried one of your loved ones, please, grab shovel and help dig.
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why people want to waste money on something that going to be trash soon. They are making a new classic

Ive read what “many” on these forums and reddit believe. If thats the opinion of the “many” ill gladly take the side of the minority.

Blizzard could bring it back in a heartbeat and charge $30 a character and make MILLIONS of dollars. They arent for obvious reasons. Because its DELETED.

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They did reply, you just don’t like the answer.

Deleted…move on with life. If you got ta leveling instead of sobbing you’d have a fully geared 60.

Of course, you would have been delayed in forming all those juicy GDKPs with all that gold on your cloned toon…which is the real reason for the salt…

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Alright, well, cool, thanks for keeping the post alive with your contribution.

thank you so much!


Bumping this because I still would pay $30 to have my character back

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Bumping because I want Blizzard to know that even though we leveled new 60’s and geared them out we will STILL pay to clone our old characters. I’ll easily pay $30+ for all my old 60’s, even a warrior that I have already out leveled and geared as another warrior, seriously.

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+1. This is a must!


They should have never converted classic players to TBC in the first place. Us on relaunch are the original classic era players and we got kicked out. SOM characters got a better shake than us.
Also whats deleted? My warrior is right here at 60 in SW on a dead converted server. I just need switched back to the version I was playing on and came back for.


Bring Justice to these characters


Make this happen

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Is Blizzard deleting posts about this now? I went to link back to a post I made in another thread and found that it was gone. There was nothing inappropriate in the OPs post or any of the responses, I’m not sure why they deleted it.

I think this is the only one they are keeping alive. Deleting the rest.


Interesting… there was about 5 billion threads about RDF in WotLK and they didn’t seem to delete those.

Please blizzard, offer this service once more