Bring back class order halls!

How about culture specific class halls in the cities. :point_up:
It would be cool if the character was actually trained, like in Classic.
It was cheap, but… it was there.


I forgot about death knights.

to be fair, it was a pretty significant point in a recent Survey.

so I would not say “never”.

It’s clearly something Blizzard is considering, at the very least.

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Hunters are just backwoods yokels with bows and guns and “We don’t call 911” shirts. They can ideally shack up at any out of the way cabin in the woods.

I’d frankly like to see updated ones for everyone. A few of them were super nice (Druid being the favored child arguably had the best, even got a whole teleport system that lets 'em access other parts of the world). DK, Priest, and a few of the others were super bland and need a rework.

Warriors get a new hall where they beat up Odyn in a never-ending gladiatorial pit?

Sounds like you know what needs to be done. In the name of Crom, retake Skyhold for the true warriors

I like the way you think.

Maybe plop it down on Fray island afterwards

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Another round of getting dog piled by sweaty, shirtless pirates? Count me in!

Every time I level a new alt, I always play through the class order questlines. The class fantasy and epicness of getting it fully established is just so great.


I guess what aspects do people want back…? The time gating or the class specific stories?

For me, it was having somewhere to hang out without all those magic wielding twinkle fingers scumming up the place.

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I think it’s just the idea of having a solid group of [CLASS] you associate with, for the added fantasy.

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It did get a facelift, and we still use it.

Is there enough population to support that?
Maybe if class halls were cross server like BGs, with no trade allowed to preserve server economies.

  • Brim

yes please

Class Halls have potential to be reintegrated into gameplay. Even though they were introduced in Legion, they are not bound to the theme of an expansion like Covenants and Garrisons were. Theoretically they could have been introduced in Vanilla all the way up to DF. Mission tables and the zone map are the only real expansion specific things otherwise they are basically neutral. I did not play every class in Legion, but for the ones I did play they fit the class and looked great, and abandoning them is a bit of a waste.


This is a good question…

This is about to go out the window, once players can bank gold from one server, and take it out on another. I’d say revamp the class halls, allow trades or whatever, and also add variations to each class based on race cultures, so everyone doesn’t have to conform to one idealized version of the class.

If they did bring back Class Order Halls, there’s a few things I would want to see changed:

  1. Firstly, a handful of classes would need entirely new halls due to story reasons.
  2. They would need to expand on the lore and racial representation for a lot of them. A lot of the Order Halls are heavily slanted towards one race for the story telling and theme. An example of a change I would like to see is An’she and the Loa receiving more prevalence in the Paladin, Priest, and Druid halls to better represent Tauren and Trolls.
  3. Don’t tie any player power or progression to them. It’s fine if they’re used as a story-telling device and a daily quest hub, but I don’t want to see a return of Artifact Weapon grinds or anything similar.
  4. Put in some sort of Proving Ground type scenarios to help players learn and practice their class abilities.
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I also would love for the order halls to return. HOWEVER they would have to return in thier entirety INCLUDING updating the companions and mission tables. Otherwise I would rather Daddy Blizz not waste the resources on them. :speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil::see_no_evil:


I would like that too. I miss having a companion roaming around with me in the open world. And they could do missions that could get you Warlock specific tmog, toys, or pets. There’s a lot they could do with Class Halls to make them a core part of the class experience.

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