Bring back class order halls!

If there’s one thing I have on my wishlist for WoW Midnight and beyond it’s Class Halls. Having a location devoted to your class where you can interact with other players of your class and become fully emersed in your class fantasy was such a cool concept and it’s a shame they didn’t last longer than Legion. And now, like most locations from past expansions, they are just Ghost Towns with nothing but the NPCs standing around. C’mon Blizzard, bring them back.


no, ours sucked and if I can’t be happy, you can’t either


Mine is being destroyed with the launch of the expansion…


It wouldn’t hurt them to spruce them up a bit.


please elaborate xD.

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I personally liked Skyhold. But I like Viking type stuff.


My class had the first order rooms in history…
And… they gave us the same floating pyramid.

We gained nothing, we lost nothing…


Never going to happen. They are an unnecessary developmental resource consumer, and they get far more “bang for their buck” by making content accessible to everyone from the get-go.

It’s the same for horde and alliance-specific content.

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Warrior class hall is 90% odyn/watchers, it wasn’t about warriors at all really outside of Wyrmbane and Saurfang getting to crash on the couch. No iconic weapons, only thing that was nice was the fast travel.

And with Odyn being signposted as a future villain, welp.


I’d never say never. They had a survey recently where they asked us if we wanted Class Halls back.


If they do, I’ll be shocked. It either means that they reduced the overall number of general quests to create 13 unique quest lines…or greatly increased the overall number of quests in the x-pack to add in the class-specific stuff, which seems really unlikely at this point.

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We’ll see. They likely have some reason for asking the question. And they do plan expacs years ahead.

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Realistially though there’s at least one quest in TWW that’s class-limited to “dark” classes, they could lean on that a bit more, and do quests because your class nominally is good at [QUEST THING].


Along with Rogue’s, and at least the portals for DH and Warlock.

Paladins will have to travel all the way to Light’s Hope to get to theirs, after which they can continue to bounce around looking identical and drooling over all their Ashbringer copies.

Maybe we just need new renditions, or new ones altogether.

Heck I don’t even have one! :sob:

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What was strange is the survey made it seem like something that was already happening.

Instead of the question “Would you like to see them return”
It was “How excited are you for them returning, as an upcoming feature”

Now I could just be splitting hairs but that made it sound like they are already in development.


And watch it be just Legion remix :laughing:


if this is the case I stg they better basically just remake the Warrior hall from scratch.

Thorim can come too if he wants, he’s a bro.

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I think this was the big complaint for many of the class halls, where there should be variation in the ranks, but it focused on one faction of the class. Paladins focused on Silver Hand, Druids on Elune, Warriors on Val’kyr. It could have been the opportunity to exhibit how different the branches of each class can be, like Sunwalkers, Blood Knights, Prelates for Paladins, An’she introduced for Druids, etc.

It also could have been an intro to get more races involved in class unlocks, like Vulpera Druids, Night Elf Paladins, etc.

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I dunno, having a titan Keeper Squeeing over me endlessly was pretty great.

They’d also have to think of something new for Mages and Rogues for… uh, plot reasons. Evokers would also need something.

Probably also need to do something for the Hunter hall as well, since flying to and from a mountain shack across the ocean would be a bit asinine, narratively speaking.

Slight issue there is that Odyn has probably unfriended every Warrior on his Facebook after what happened in Dragonflight (and the /rasp we’re probably about to give the Keepers/Watchers in TWW), can’t imagine he’d be cool with them crashing on his couch anytime soon.