Bring Back Blacklists

Bliz, if you’re to lazy to fix Ashran and Wintergrasp. Atleast throw the toggle and give us back our blacklists so we can get rid of them!


Your three options:

  • /afk out
  • queue specifically for maps you do enjoy
  • avoid the epic battleground queue, which removes Wintergrasp and Ashran entirely from your battleground queue

The blacklist system was bad for the game. It should not come back.


Agreed blacklisting was the best thing and should be brought back even if its only 1


All three of your alternatives are common knowledge and absolute crap. The majority of people hate the same BGs, the only person this hurts is people who actually want to lag to death in Ashran or get beaten down 99% of the time on offense in Wintergrasp. Sounds like a you problem to me.


The majority of people hate epics all together. So really we all get 4 blacklists. I dont see how it’s his problem at all. It seems like a you problem, not his. He is fine with the current system.


You didn’t actually explain why it was bad for the game, you just listed three things that are bad and exist because blacklisting is gone.


Longer queue times.


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Queue times haven’t gotten shorter since removing blacklists.


They would likely be longer due to matchmaking trying to put together a group around everyone’s blacklist. Especially in the 40 mans where there’s only 4 BGs.

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Queue times for EBG’s Horde side are nearing 20 mins without BL’ing.

BL’ing will increase that. Use the available option, specific queue.

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Queue times would be even longer if we had blacklists.

It takes the system more time to put together a team when it has to accommodate players’ various blacklists.

Except the first two have been in the game since battlegrounds were introduced, long before blacklisting was even a consideration??

Would it though? Like I get blizzard used that as a reason but did they ever say by how much or how they calculated it?

Like this is what que times are with no blacklist. I played the entirety of wod (second favorite expansion). I played both factions. You had que times this long for epics back then. This is a classic epic bg que time. I don’t think black listing has almost any effect on que times.

The only thing that has a real impact on que times is faction balance. If there is a 4-1 ratio of horde to alliance queing it’s always going to be 4X longer (or vice versa). Doesn’t matter if there’s 80 people playing or 8 million.

Also the whole casual trap seems pretty bogus. Just like the people claiming they lose 90% of their games :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: unless you intentionally throw games there is now way you lose that much. Even in imbalanced korraks I had a 30% win rate at bare minimum on my alliance toons. I also loved strands back the day (weird again I know). I had pretty much a 50% win rate on horde and alliance :expressionless:

Now lets say I believe blizzard that it lengthens que times. By how much? One minute? If gladly take one more minute on my que time if I was able to chose one bg I didn’t have to play. Make one blacklist per category. Everyone has a bg they don’t like. I feel like the enjoyment increase for me would be worth the extra minute.

All opinion and hearsay but that’s how I feel. Give us one blacklist per category. Also give us back strands lol

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I had a 32 minute EBG queue tonight.
At least I won ezpz :+1:

No one has any evidence that blacklists increase queue times. All we have is the opposite.

The only conjecture people have is that they think a modern server would spend more than a second calculating the matchmaking queue.


Blizzard said that it did. They would have data to back it up. Again we don’t know how they did the math or how much longer it would be but clearly they thought there was impact. Also why people are saying it.

Blizzard repeatedly lie and put out terrible games like Warcraft reforged. No one cares what they say.


Ok flat-earther.


Ok spud. :potato:

There is no evidence that queue times increase with blacklisting BGs.