Doesn’t matter much for me since I’m a filthy casual now but I agree that it should be % based.
They added the Elite title, let that be the 2400 title.
Having two (technically) 2400 titles is weird and the PVP reward system is all jacked up now.
Doesn’t matter much for me since I’m a filthy casual now but I agree that it should be % based.
They added the Elite title, let that be the 2400 title.
Having two (technically) 2400 titles is weird and the PVP reward system is all jacked up now.
i understand people have lives, myself included, gladiator wasn’t exactly the most time consuming thing when it was % based, you could realistically push gladiator in a few hours played, it’s just really depending on the players skill level.
not to mention if you’re a casual player, why should you deserve a title that more time involved players push for, it’s honestly just catering to casuals more than ever.
which i don’t necessarily hate, they just need to have only elite for that, not gladiator.
Just by reading this I can tell this game is all you have. No reason to give a real response to this since you basically said the same stuff the tauren druid said.
i have way more than this game dorito. that’s your only insult because you know what i’m saying has logic behind it.
gladiator is a participation trophy for casuals like you. cry about it.
My only insult was clearly not an insult, but a fact. Judged by the amount of people that liked my comment. Thank you
you call me insecure than say something about how many likes you got on a post you couldn’t even spell realize correctly in.
yikes. you do you ig
Based on other posts i’ve seen you do seem quite insecure about your current shape in real life. Not to be mean or anything. Hope your day is well.
it’s for sure something i’m personally working on but isn’t something i’m insecure about.
thank you so much for further proving my point on how petty you are.
have a fantastic day
I think Blizz has made it quite obvious they want to cater towards the majority player base. I understand your argument, but in most cases the majority rules and I think allowing you to gain the title during the season gives people a benchmark to shoot for.
You said it yourself, most people play for titles/the mount. If they want something more prestigious, I think the last push for r1 gives the more hardcore player base something to shoot for. I don’t really see any harm in it other than that it’s 2400.
fair enough, then there needs to be more end season reward for players who aren’t pushing rank one imo.
I want a more active season at any point in the season. I am saying we should have 2.4 and 0.5% titles. You are saying we should have 2.4 and no 0.5% title. How would 2 titles spur less activity than 1?
When I say 2.4 I mean glad which means 50 wins over 2.4… you like to misconstrue things I see…
again 2 titles > 1. It’s simple math. More titles = more participation. What kind of bath salt do you smoke?
literally every one of your rebuttals are just you misconstrueing what I said.
I don’t have a life
Ignore this dude… he’s a one time Glad who got his title by playing the easiest class in the game after they reduced the cut-off to 2400 hahaha.
LMFAO imagine being this upset you respond to old posts
Yikes its not a good look for Wrathful Whisperer Nayro
Sounds smart.
Please stop with the necros brother. Thanks.
wow this post is old, i forgot i posted this.
ya never forget how much of a tool dorito was LOL, all i wanted apparently was more reward for ladder and this guy gets defensive. silly bfa gladiators ugh!