Bring back % based gladiator

not that % base glad means anything at all but i find it very silly how only the top 0.1% of players can look forward to at the end of the season rewards.

not to mention i don’t want to see 5000 sinister glad drakes running around like dread. smh


Should be at least 2.6, maybe even 2.7. Not sure why they added The Elite but then have gladiator at the same exact rating, just with 50 wins.


I actually think the instant titles is a good thing up to the elite at 2400 since it gives people something to queue for and increases participation. However, I agree gladiator is too easy and should be top 0.5% so more than a few hundred people actually get something at the end of each season.


I think if you have any competence and realised why they even made titles like this in the first place besides r1 is to get more active participation and give more of an incentive to actually pvp and clearly it has worked.

Only insecure elitists that only have this game going for them in life care about if glad is percentage based or not.


LMAO, well said.


Well it’s better in general to have titles more titles people cam achieve because a lot of people believe or not aren’t that great at pvp. Duelist, Glad and R1 maybe another day at the office for alot of people but most fins it hard to even break 1800 without needing to pay for a carry. Or the sheer amount of people getting stonewalled at 1900. Some people are like horses with blinders on you don’t know what’s going on around you and only see whats in front. And this maybe more or less worse I don’t know haven’t played to much in arena in BFA, just getting into it like last week.

PvP has suffered catering to a elitist and their attitudes toward newer players and just creating a toxic environment at times that turns even people who have played awhile off from participating. And catering to the top %5 whole ignoring the other %95 business wise alone is silly and disastrous at worse. I would value their opinions of course more from a design standpoint than a reward system standpoint. Considering they will get top rewards regardless of whats implemented.

So I agree with them letting people feel more accomplished for doing arenas and rbgs. It only adds value and will help grow the PvP community. Need more incentives to PvP and less reasons to walk away in my opinion.


Why do you care that people care that glad is % based?

How sad is your life that you must criticize someone for being concerned with something so pathetic? (Pathetic from your PoV)

The people in this thread have made great points about the effect of having a second percent based title in the game, aside from rank one. It gives people who cannot achieve 0.1% something to strive for past 2.4.

Open your mind a little, these people (myself included) are less concerned with the “prestige” of the glad title and more interested in spurring more activity on the ladder.

Personally, since the beta I have been suggesting that glad and the glad mount go back to 0.5% and 2.4 becomes a different title that rewards a glad mount without armor. They can just leave 2.4 as “the Elite” title and send glad back to 0.5%.

TLDR; @Doritotko-drak’thul Boom, roasted.


not a fan of people sitting rating, which is what end of season rewards often leads to.

Activity of ladder is more important than the prestige of a title.


Probably because the top 0.1% are people who have multiple alts at close to the same rating. So Bobxxlolusuk has 5 alts over 2600 rating


I think a mount and title is fitting for 50 wins over 2400, but yes they should add something % at the end of the season or a 2700 or so reward. would be cool.

Also ive been saying forever we need rating TOY rewards. Like a Flag of Ownership at 2.3/2.5 something but the flag displays the seasons tabard color scheme/design. would be legendary


Wasent glad 2400+ 50 wins still only like top 1-1.2%? thats still uber high ranked, and considered ‘masters’ in most other games. Still an extremely prestigious title.

Consider that, with even how ‘inflated’ rating was this season glad was still only roughly top 1%.


Can you show math or source please

Where are the “I missed glad by 10 rating” people are when you need them?

I remember they asked Overwatch/Heroes/League static rank system like what we have now.

If you dont like 2400, ask for 2600, but please never come back to the “look at 3rd party cutoff every match at the end of every season, only to miss the rank by 1 points”.

People actually play at the start - mid season now, its actually a good thing.

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I mean would you rather have an active pvp season all season or literally only people play the last week to push for the title they want?

Thats what the 50 wins above 2.4 is?? something to strive for past 2.4. Except now more people are playing pvp and going for it. sorry if that hurts anyone that more people are getting in game vanity items.

Which is why they introduced this title/reward system in the first place is to get more activity on the ladder.

Then the game would go back to legion numbers most likely and have less then 30k people pvping



I think there should just be more rewards in PVP so that everyone can be happy. Only things we get are elite set, glad mounts, and titles(but lets be honest who wants to spend crazy time and effort for a title). I purpose that elite set stays at rival so casual players have something to strive for. duelist get weapon enchant. ELITE(separate elite and glad), which can be between 2400-2600 get the glad mount, and then add gladiator as 2600+ and they receive something cooler than the glad mount(maybe another mount but more epic, or toy, or just something thats better than the elite mount). Finally rank 1 gets a super rare AMAZING class set! thats unique and obviously looks better than the elite set. That way you’ll be able to see a rank 1 just by their rank 1 mog.

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Damn savage

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This is a small company guy relax with that


easy carry money


sorry for the late reply i was banned for a day! >:(

i figured you first time bfa glads would be offended by this post, my dearest apologies!! :frowning:

You can’t deny that only having a 0.1% end season reward is a bad thing. sure i totally agree the increased participation is a great thing, i’m not saying it isn’t. however, you’re essentially playing for an entire season for no end rewards UNLESS you manage to push rank one.

it’s not being an insecure elitist, which i find weird coming from probably the forums biggest one (that’s you incase you didn’t understand), but it’s wanting more of an incentive to push rating.

There was what around 2500-3000 bronze drakes? er sorry gladiator drakes last season? What’s the point in getting that drake then, honestly lol.

People pvp for cosmetics rather it be a mount or mog or titles. How special is a gladiator mount when more people have that single mount than all of the legion mounts combined. it isn’t special.

before when glad was % base there was a sense of accomplishment in obtaining it. gladiator now is just a time grind.

Also if i’m being honest, the lower mmr ques around 23-26mmr don’t help higher mmr que times at all. granted they messed up mmr bad last season, the increased participation only felt prevelant at lower mmr.

tl:dr - they need to make gladiator % based and tie something else with 2400/elite, like a unique elite mount or whatever that way the actual gladiator mount feels more rewarding and earned.

they also need to make the ladder not split factioned so the increased participation doesn’t end up having one faction being a ‘welfare’ rank one/gladiator. aka alliance last season.

also dorito, don’t ever insult me, you’re a tank player. thanks ~~


I agree they could probably bump up the cutoff to 25-26 but the instant titles are a much better system for everyone across the board.

I’m a serious pvp’er but I also have to go to practice 3 nights a week and the other nights spend time with my girlfriend when she’s not at school.

People have lives outside of wow man, and I’m sure a lot of the serious pvp’ers don’t have time to spam q’s the entire last week of the season to try and push a % based title like myself.

You probably wouldn’t believe this because they all dwell on the forums here, but the players who have time to do this are the minorities.