Bring back alliance vs horde

no, in fact, let us cross faction open world content.

Alliance players hurl equally bad insults at Horde players on this forum, every day.

(And in-game.)

They lost that magic in TBC with the introduction of Blood Elves. It was a Square Peg Round Hole situation.

Ironic OP posts this nonsense on arguably the single most neutral race-class combination in the entire game

Did you know that gnomes are a sustainable source of protein and that, in blind taste tests, 90% of test subjects actually preferred ground gnome to tauren burger?

the protein is too small, and too greasy!
i want to grill somethin on the Barbie! and enjoy it!

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Look, just because gnomes come preseasoned with machine oil is no reason to call them “greasy”. It’s part of their cultural heritage.

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well there culture, ruins the good ol’ westfall seasonin process…

How am i gonna eat a gnome with my westfall stew?!

Just give them a good bash on the head so they stay in the pot. I’ve seen what you humans will put in Westfall stew, you won’t even notice.

How many times can we beat the dead horse before it’s pulverized into glue?

I’m so sick and tired hamfisted attempts of of Horde v. Alliance. Just let me group up with my friends regardless of what side they’re on.

You’re kind of ignoring SL (which is fair enough) and what was revealed there. It puts her actions in a different light.

of course we will notice, them metal bits get in the stew!
plus you think murloc eyes is a terrible stew ingredient?

Im going to be honest I dont care who I am fighting. Alliance? Horde? Some External Threat? Dont care. Just give me a list of names and I will get it done.