Bring back all Black lotus spawns

pee pee; poo poo, I say to you.

In WPL, spawn points were: Andohral (near mayor’s building beside Araj), Heartglen, near Uther’s tomb (sorrow hill), one outside Walls of caer darrow (near the dock), just outside weeping cave

i could go on for others, but there is no real point… i swear it was real

Right now there is 672 possible lotus per Week (168x4 zone)… this would at least bring this to 1344… so enough for a low or mid population to get their flasks… now for a high pop… well more needs to be done

Yea players spread out onto lower pop realms and there ya go. Lotus for everyone willing to pay Susan’s price.
Susan has been stacking black lotus since before most were level 60. Don’t worry when transfers open again im sure she will send some over from the “dead” realms.

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Randomise spawn locations.


I feel you dont fully understand value. It doesn’t matter if timmy has 10 million gold and you have 100. His 10 million doesn’t devalue your 100 you still have that its still worth 100.

This is a very insightful comment that people seem to continue to overlook. Blizzard even said (here: Overcrowded Realm Update) that they have the capability to increase the current population capacity on classic servers by x7, and that a “Medium” classic server has a population already exceeding a “Full” vanilla server.

So if you’re currently playing on a “High” or “Full” classic server, you’re likely playing with a population that is already something like 4-5 times vanilla capacity. If one truly wants the vanilla experience, then Blizzard should simply increase the spawn rate, and a simple way to do this is to just reduce the respawn time by a factor that is equivalent to the increased server populations as compared to vanilla.

That means going from 1 hr respawns to something more like 10 or 15 min respawns for “High” and “Full” realms.

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This is, also, very subjective.

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You don’t need to be a multiboxer to park a dead level 1 next to each spawn point. Log in, log over to the next, repeat.


This is what you are observing.

Ghost camping, sure. But how do you know they’re multiboxers?

In fact, complaining about multiboxers in this context makes zero sense, because you don’t need five toons to pick one plant.

Yes, it may be one person using multiple accounts to control multiple characters in different areas. But that’s pretty far from the usual definition of “multiboxer”.

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No. No its not.

Are you serious?

All of you are in complete denial. Absolute denial. Or you’re just one of these multiboxers trying to protect your racket.


on incendius, its not all multiboxers. i farm lotus with two others (one being a hunter ofc). we can cover about half of a zone’s spawns relatively quickly.

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Yes. Yes it is.

With server populations being the size they are nowadays…it’s not hard to believe that 10-20 different accounts are camping those spawns.

If only blizzard devised a system to have multiple vanilla wow sized “layers” on a single server. If blizzard had the tech to do that the amount of mats available would be proportional to a servers population.

You didnt even attempt to view those links, did you?

Complete and utter denial.

I’m not going to open your sketchy links, dawg. Sorry.

It’s more profitable and reliable to take 2-3 weeks to get your 5-boxes to level 60 and farm Scholo…waiting around for lotus to spawn—and still taking the chance of it having scooped up right before you pick it and/or killed if you are on a PvP server = dumb.

That’s at least what our 5-boxer in our guild tells us. He has so much gold he doesn’t know what to do with it.

I guess if you are running only 2 or 3 boxes…you can’t run Scholo by yourself. So you could potentially farm lotus—I’d be willing to bet it’s still not worth your time and you could be doing something more profitable with just 2-3 boxes.

His 10 million gold only devalues once he starts spending it, and at some point he will spend it.

Not only does he vastly increase the availability of capital for other players, but since he is the “highest-bidder” and “removes finite items from the market”, he will both create greater scarcity while setting the market price higher than it otherwise would be.

A lot of people are sitting on thousands or tens of thousands of gold, they usually start dumping it when a new phase approaches. Not only does the increased demand reduce relative supply, but the people who are suddenly selling for twice as much have far more gold to spend themselves.

But this has a disparate impact, some parts of the market are more affected than others because the spending tends to be more for consumables and rare items, so black lotus can triple in price while other items barely change.

When someone says “The dollar has been devalued 96% since 1913”, they mean a dollar buys 96% less than it did in 1913. You can say “a dollar is still worth 100 pennies”, I guess to pretend that inflation isn’t real. But that is obvious and irrelevant and has nothing to do with the conversation.

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Yeah reddit and imgur … reallll sketchy. dawg.

I guess when someone shows you proof, if you dont look at it then it doesnt exist!


I don’t get the bot/multiboxer denial man.

The best part is, if they allowed multiple logins per account so anyone could multibox, current multiboxers would be pissed they lost their blatant advantage.

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The Lotus Mafia sadly