Brian Birmingham leaves Blizzard. Rip Classic

I respect why he resigned…but it’s just a fact that a supermajority of classic players and retail players before classic absolutely despised him and his decision making. He was horrible for WoW in general and his forceful nature of imposing his will onto systems and features while ignoring feedback has been happening since Cataclysm. Him being gone, although it’s under horrible circumstances, is a very good thing for the future.


Ok, with all due respect you have zero idea what you’re talking about.
He was the lead software engineer for almost 2 decades. He didn’t just oversee development, he was in charge of the people who did everything from dev to testing.

Imagine comparing a lead software engineer to a guy flipping burgers… Tell me you know absolutely nothing at all about software development without just saying it FFS.


Seems more like a case of someone who thought they had more pull in the company than they did and the moment they tried to push their weight they thought they had around the company gave them the reality check.


Even some universities do this crap, forced distribution model is a proven crap way of evaluating people.

If let’s say your entire class got 90% on the exam, you now have to give some of those students a C. Why? well because some MBA Jackboot thinks the theory fosters “competition”.

In a work team or a class room it is not a battle royale, it is a collaboration to succeed as a team. I hate it, and most managers hate it too.

He was their lead engineer for 17 years. If after that much tenure he didn’t have any pull at the company than that’s as much a referendum on their flawed corporate structure as anything else.


Sure, 17 years as lead engineer is great and all but that doesnt give you the pull to change policies. He should have knew his place so Blizzard didnt have to put him in it.


I hope you’re just trolling. Because otherwise… HUGE YIKES

stacked ranking for all “Vice Presidents” and C-level executives. lowest-ranked gets terminated, all contractual compensation is null and void.

( yes, this would never (be allowed to) work for executive management… and that’s the point )


Dude threatened resignation and Blizzard canned him. Not a big loss. The rallies in California will be happy to have a new member.


You drinking the kool-aid huh?

When the DFEH sued Blizzard, I stopped playing Blizzard games for a year or so. This only makes me stop playing them again, but something tells me it would be indefinitely if not permanently.

We’ll have to see how the MS acquisition plays out.

some people don’t just lick the boot, they deepthroat it.

I appreciate that he stood up for his employees and ethics, and the company is poorer for not listening to feedback.

ABK has proven time and time again now that they’re not different from any other toxic MBA run corporate company that will cannibalize itself before changing.

So having explained all that, I bear no ill will toward my former colleagues at Blizzard Entertainment. The Blizzard I knew and always wanted to work for is being torn apart by the executives at ABK, and it makes me sad. I truly respect the developers I worked with at Blizzard

But ABK is a problematic parent company. **They put us under pressure to deliver both expansions early**. It is deeply unjust to follow that by depriving employees who worked on them their fair share of profit. The ABK team should be ashamed of themselves.



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Still wasn’t a designer. He wasn’t make those gameplay decisions. I’m not discrediting his ability as a software engineer. I’m saying just because you write good code doesn’t mean you’re a good designer of a video game.

As Wrath Classic has proven.


Dude just stop. You don’t know what you’re talking about and that’s ok… But you’re just digging a hole now

I’m stating facts. I know some people can’t handle that.

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Not even close lol

all your responses are just, no ur wrong, no ur trolling, nope. proving his point

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Your inability to differentiate an engineer from a game designer is a you problem. Rob Pardo…that’s a game designer.

In any event he just updated his Twitter and made a Tweet. Officially gone.

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