Brian Birmingham leaves Blizzard. Rip Classic

They need therapy because they’re taught from the cradle to take offense to anything and everything. And thus they don’t know how to deal with any adversity. That’s when people snap.

If someone /spits at you the lesson shouldn’t be, “Oh no, that’s terrible!” The lesson should be, “Who cares?”

Society would be a lot less volatile and more tolerant if people could just accept there’s jerks and a holes. And you control how they impact you.

But that’s not the world we live in anymore, and why everyone is so on edge these days.


I wonder if Riot Games uses that horrendous (because a better, six-letter descriptor is verboten) stacked ranking system.

This literally confirms my conspiracy about RDF being a cost analysis issue

conflating criticism and abuse, yikes

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Not sad to see him go, the policy is trash, but outside of this one example I still dont like him, and i hated the changes he forced on classic


I’m not sure what exactly Brian’s role was, but I find it hard to be sympathetic about someone resigning in protest at a company where I’d like to see every manger replaced.


In these modern times people will try to describe anything and everything as abuse. Its ridiculous


agreed, I’d like to bring back the real OG’s from 2010 and back, not the guys that did their job for a paycheck like Brian at the time, but the guys who created the jobs and told the devolopers and programmers what to make, I want those guys back.


See, Ret pallies are just victims of forced ranking to have someone on bottom of bell curve. Corporate culture bleeding into creative game design.


I quit my job because my 63 yr old manager hit on me (More than once) the last time was really uncomfortable. I didn’t have anything lined up.

Seems like getting a lawyer would have been a good move.

Kinda hard to pay for a lawyer when you quit your job. I never had proof and it was never physical so it would have been pointless.

That sucks. You didn’t work at Blizzard did you?

Man freaking good for him man. This kind of quota BS is exactly the kind of nonsense out of touch executives with MBA’s cook up because it makes it look like they’re doing something. And while he’ll almost certainly have a new gig in no-time, it’s still never easy to leave a company you’re comfortable at so it really is commendable that he put himself on the line in order stand up for his employees. That kind of thing is all too rare these days and I can’t stress enough how great it is to see someone actually sacrifice for their principles.

Probably bad for WOW short term but maybe shining light on these backwards, nonsense policies will help new, better ones take their place in the future. Here’s hoping. :crossed_fingers:


Riot games actually has some good HR people that I saw who know who is good. and not so good. their headhunters are real good. or were a few years ago.

years ago they with laser precision poached the hell out of CCP games. they took the good eve devs. and left us with…the devs who lead it to its dark ages. they got real good at picking up the devs who were missed. the ones left…yeah some were obvious as to why they weren’t even approached to be poached.

at some point this was how a dude from accounting became a lead dev. and ccp rattatati jsut took the game to crap fast.

this was when my wow journey began 4/5 years ago. Those dark ages. began then.

of late they have lit a few candles for some light finally. so I have wandered back more of late. even went omega. the “I believe” button I will press one more time as a sub.

LOL no thankfully.

Interesting. I wonder how much more info will get spilled in the coming days. Of course, there are non-disclosure agreements but we’ll see.

Turns out ABK Blizzards parent company was the problem with rushing TBC/WOTLL all along

I’m sure a lot of the Classic decisions have been over money or staff resources. Microtransactions have been for sure because “Classic needs to be profitable”.

People can not like things about Classic, I haven’t liked everything for sure, but pointing the finger for all bad things at one guy especially when people are above him has a term and that’s scapegoating. I kind of get it because he was Classic lead, but there’s usually more to it.

He wasn’t a designer. You can flip burgers at McDonalds for 20 years. Doesn’t mean you should run the store.