Brian Birmingham leaves Blizzard. Rip Classic

For those that want to retailize Classic, I’m sure they are happy with a potential different direction.

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Cata Classic confirmed with LFR let’s go pogChamp

He’s spearhead changing the game.

We’re only lucky things like nerfing dual spec didn’t go through

We wanted wrath classic, this is not wrath classic.


I hope this doesnt mean chances of getting SoM2 are lost.

his ideas were retailizing classic, we wanted unchanged classic.


By the way his Twitter still lists him as Team Lead of Classic.

I know a lot of retail tourists wanted Wrath, but saying he did a bad job because he made a super successful classic game we’ve enjoyed for years because he removed RDF is just silly.

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He didn’t make anything, wrath is still successful based on things they didn’t change.

He wanted to change more, its not just RDF.


I mean peak Classic back in Vanilla was great. The changes to TBCC were great. When you’re batting 2 for 2 successes you aren’t afraid to be at bat again.

While I agree that there were people who didn’t come to Classic until 3 years after release expecting no changes, but those people basically missed the memos. It was changes the whole time and it was good. Wrath just is too much like retail to force Classic design on it imo. So a lot of retail minded players are upset that it’s not as casual and laid back as it was.

Classic was extremely authentic. TBCC was quite authentic. Wrath Classic is an abomination.


We both know that main reason was because Wrath itself isn’t classic. It was the first expac to majorly depart from the game design of the first two iterations.

We’re just a TLP server now.(with Vannillafied modern expansions lul)

The horde vs horde Battlegrounds ruined the game. Shouldnt have touched that. Obliteraed any shred of roleplaying left in this game.


So… just to remind everyone, even for the bulk of the game that “didn’t change”, they had to do a lot of work to make it feel that like the game was authentic given it was using the Legion engine.

When you lose an experienced team lead that knew what the game was like, it is irreplaceable. Whether you disliked some of the things Brian did, his departure will be a big loss for all players. Who knows what we will now get with future releases?

hopefully a return back to classic with less changes

The changes they’ve already made can’t really be walked back, but we can have less moving forward.


HvH saved TBCC PvP. All the horde PvPers were quitting or rerolling with some off hour queues taking up to 2 hours for a single BG.

Sure lore wise war games are corny; but gameplay wise without it TBC PvP was DoA

I’m eagerly awaiting Bellular’s response to this. And then Asmon’s response to his response!

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This is interesting. I respect the guy for standing up for what he thinks is right.

My guess is this was just something else on the list of frustrations that put him over the edge to the point of quitting.

People might put all the blame on him for what they do not like about Classic, but what some people don’t understand is that a lot comes from the very top. Things like having to find ways to make more money (microtransactions) or not dedicating more staff to certain things probably actually come from the top and people should realize that. Brian was a lead but also in a way a mouthpiece and basically in the middle with certain things.

What this says to me is that Blizzard is still not a very good place to work which is sad for current employees and those who used to aspire to work there. It’s long been known as a bad place to work too. They’ve lost so many good people to other places that treat their people right.

I’m certain that Blizzard employees would far prefer to be treated well over changing things to bowls of fruit and the like, which is useless to pretty much everyone but really only makes those top “look good” while in reality, nobody’s life is getting better for that.


What a shameful thing for Blizzard to do. Percentile grading systems with “low performer” quotas are sickening.

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Perhaps but it also means that SoM2 might not be as bad as the first SoM.

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Just wish he treated the Classic players with the same level of respect and ethics.