Brian Birmingham leaves Blizzard. Rip Classic

Wrong again.

We are allowed to criticize them as much as we want.

They are getting paid we are not.

They deserve our ire


I mean they have been doing that long before this.

He seems like a good dude but he also is a large part of why classic is the dumpster fire it is today. Not sad to see him leave. Maybe he can communicate with someone on his long run to wailing caverns and make himself feel better.


Blizzard has had a really really bad 10 years now. Tbh I kinda feel yucky even paying this company money.


I can well believe Activision is more than happy to get rid of someone with more years and higher salary to replace with some young buck.

Another facet of the story is how hands-on Activision became. Dictating policy, forcing cost cuts, gutting customer support, rushing out games.

Now that WoW just lost China, expect Activision to squeeze Blizz even more.


Classic has been pretty masterclass since 2019; itā€™s just Wrath Classic is garbage. Maybe the reason so much is being ignored on Classic is due to corporate overreach

Itā€™s a system in which some people have to be given a low rank, and revenue-sharing bonuses are tied to rank.

This means if we are on a team together, and you come up with a bad idea, Iā€™m going to go ahead and let you pursue that bad idea, because I hope you fail. Because I donā€™t want the low rank, and somebody has to get it. Iā€™m not going to help you improve your idea or share my ideas with you, either. It promotes Machiavellianism in the workplace, which doesnā€™t work at all with creative teams who need to honestly collaborate.

Stack ranking started in factories that produced basic units, which is where it makes sense as a measurement system (I produce x, you produce y). Itā€™s a stupid system in fields that involve art and ideas and collaborative higher-level thinking.


Iā€™ve seen this pretty frequently too.

Personally speaking, Iā€™ve always been a higher performer. 3 years ago had a new boss come in and decided to try to fix payroll budget and went after me since I was the most senior and highest paid person. Itā€™s what drove me out of IT. I got sick of only really being able to stay at a company for 3-4 years before some schmuck decided I made too much, regardless of knowledge or skill level.


Wait you think BB is the one who made this adjustment? Lmao


incorrect, you are not entitled to abuse others.

the fact that you think you are tells me what kind of (loosely said) human you are.

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His Twitter thread says he hired all the staff. So yes. Heā€™s personally responsible for the staff and culture who thought, because of their ideological retardation, that these changes were needed.


I have now lost confidence in the Classic franchise.

I have just stopped my subscription auto-renewal on my two accounts. Thank goodness I didnā€™t do the 12-month sub!


This just happened now?



This has renewed my confidence honestly.

He seemed like a good boss, but was awful for the game.


i just bought a token to offset your loss. theyā€™re very cheap, only like 139k gold.

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You only say this because of RDF. Outside of Wrath; Classic has been masterclass

I wasnā€™t part of the camp that disliked the changes made for WotLK.

When you lose someone experienced like that who supported a Classic franchise, you wonder what kind of mess future Classic endeavours will look like.

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Itā€™ll be retail 2 Time Locked Progression boogaloo. See you in Island Expeditions for BfA Classic

So, now that he is gone, can Ret get buffs?


I didnt dislike most of the stuff they added, i was more agaisnt the removal of RDF.

I like Heroic+

I think cross realm pvp queing is good for the health of the game.