Brian Birmingham leaves Blizzard. Rip Classic

Totally respect his decision to stand up for what was right…

…but since he’s gone, RDF confirmed? o_O


I have new respect gained for Brian.

Stack ranking in creative fields is idiotic. The board should come up with a better system to measure performance than this garbage.


Yes I understand Development, I have worked in that before as a side note. Not for a video game.
But anyway, there are still people who are better at development than others. What is the criteria, how do you rate? So it’s still a tiered system and applies. If its fostering a community of anti-teamwork I feel that speaks more to mismanagement by the manager. Just do your best, this is what you are judged on. Go on, you got this!
Some give their best, and it’s still not as good as the person next to them. That’s life.
Let’s not promote the mediocre. That’s great for 4th grade soccer trophies. Anyway, i need to stop reading this thread. You all have fun discussing!

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Damn, we lost the only person who cared about Classic due to corporate bs.

Best of luck to Brian, and f Blizz.


If caring about it is changing it to not actually be classic… sure.


You say a lot of dumb things on these forums, but this is absolutely one of the dumbest. Of course “normal” people leave jobs without having something else lined up. Especially when something happens which is cause for you to want to leave that job. “Normal”… what a joke.


If you read the article, he threatened to resign. Said he was still thinking about it. And then he was terminated.


No one “normal” quits without knowing they can quit. Whether that’s because he has something else lined up or has the financial independence to ride it out until he finds something is anyone’s guess.

I think him leaving for that reason alone shows that he was a better manager than the company deserves.

His personal philosphy on classic aside, I respect him for that decision


Left due to irl gearscore issue. Not wanting to give a lower gearscore to employees.


No they dont.

I wouldnt leave my job unless i had something else lined up, i have a family to support and i dont make bad decisions that could make it so i cant provide for them.

Even if the company did something i hated i would start looking for a new job and when i got it then quit my old 1.


Yeah the dude obviously cared a whole lot about his employees and I respect him a lot for doing everything he could to stand up for them.

As for the game, I’m not expecting any improvement without him. The higher ups are just gonna put someone just like him back in the spot and nothing will change.


Normal people do what you are saying, people with a cushion quit on the spot with more comfort and regularity.


sounds like you didn’t read the article. he didn’t quit. he was fired after complaining about the system.

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i feel this dirty laundry should be kept out of public view.

we dont need to know why staffing changes happen.

Yeah, i agree.

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Nah this company constantly has criticism for its players and mistreats them.

Not surprised they do the same to employees.


It’s rather funny you can’t understand that it’s a perfectly normal thing to leave a job that treats their employees poorly or unjustly without preparing something else first. Not everyone values what you value. That doesn’t mean it’s not normal to do it.

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From my experience what this article is describing, is a pipe dream of a situation.
Something else happened and they were looking to get rid of him, we’ll just never know.

Every stack ranking system I’ve managed or been a part of has exceptions and things you can do. None are this harsh as described.

His threat to resign was likely the last straw in a series of problems with him. Seeing what he’s done to Classic makes that pretty believable too.


we don’t exactly treat them nicely either. everyone’s doing it. let’s not exclude ourselves.

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