Brian Birmingham leaves Blizzard. Rip Classic

this right here shows your ignorance. the fact you think this is a thing after he is fired. shows how little you know what you are talking about. its been a thing before he was fired. and it’ll be that way even going into cata and mop. i’d say sorry not sorry, but i’d rather not be passive aggressive dick. i’d just rather be blunt it about it. you are just now noticing it because its now more visible because so many people are quitting the game. the forums have been complaining about dk bots since launch.

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no it doesn’t, that feature has been removed.


it was in a blue post from either december or january trying to find it now.

Talking about ignorance…I specifically mentioned Bgs (especially lvl 50-79) and they most definitely have gotten worse only recently. Maybe if you played leveling BGs you’d know.

again you are ignorant that is what i am talking dude.

The support page still says you get a free dk. In fact you don’t have to make a new account for another. If you delete your dk you get another free one. Though why would someone delete a bot just to replace it with a bot…. Maybe if that character got banned or something.

No one knows what you’re talking about. You can barely string a sentence together.

i’m not so sure about that one zaalg.

The page literally says that. Delete it and get another.

because you do not have decent reading comprehension. i have told, the forums have been complaining about bot dks since prepatch. no i’m talking about bgs. yes i know, thats why i cited prepatch you ignorant baffoon. literally they’ve been mass reporting bots in prepatch and in it was hitting legit players getting locked out for 30 days. you clearly haven’t been paying attention.

rofl the irony. ‘baffoon’

no irony found. only incompetent readers.

Of course you can’t find it, you’re not intelligent enough.

Well, I have posts going back for years on this avatar where I agree that Blizzard hasn’t been diligent with things like bug fixes and where I have talked about their abysmal communication. IMO expansions like TBCC and Wrath C were pushed out with known bugs that in some cases are still in the game and that’s bad.

I do agree with you that bug fixes, in general, are a good focus and I’d like to see more of it, it’s just that as you said a lot has been overlooked for a long time. It also seems like most of the only communication we get is about whatever bug fixes they do even when more important bugs to fix don’t get done.

Yes BB is gone and if that’s a positive for the game then great! I just don’t know how much is on him and how much he’s just a scapegoat for all the things people hate. Is the “yes company!” man they hire (if they have hired someone well I haven’t paid attention in all honesty) going to really be better for the game? Or are there just going to be another 20 new products in the shop for upsell revenue while things continue to get neglected? Who knows.

I’m happy for you that you can see good in this all so far.

says the guy who got schooled about what has been going on that you are just now complaining about from the beginning of wrath all the way back into prepatch. please learn to read. this isn’t a now issue its been an issue since wrath prepatch. you were just too ignorant to notice it.

How’s that quest for the Blue post saying they removed the free dk going? :wink:

working on it.

When did I ever say it wasn’t an issue before? I said it’s worse now, significantly worse in BGs and it only happened recently. LeArn To rEaD.

Mate you can’t even spell ‘buffoon’.

it has been this bad dude. you just haven’t seen it. why don’t you learn to read. i’ve read your pathetic hot takes. and thats what they are.

idc. i mispelled a word. the world will end at precisely 10:42:43pm pst. oh wait it won’t because mispelling is such a loser thing to chase after. now if i was using there to describe a possession sure crucify me for that one or using they’re for a possession sure why not but spelling over an insult? thats all you got. dk bots have been this bad since day one. you have just had your blinders on bro.