Brian Birmingham leaves Blizzard. Rip Classic

And that Brian birmingham was so out of touch with classic that he thought removing RDF would be a positive is a good reason to be glad he’s gone. We also have the H+ system he added which is shockingly proving to be pretty toxic and is literally a retail feature that never existed in wrath.

Classic has typically launched on the last patch of the expansion feature wise with only content being time gated. So yeah… it would be totally consistent with classic launch patterns to have RDF now.


If you only want systems in that existed at the start of the expansion, Blizz would have had to cut out dozens of tools.

Instead they cut out one in three years of Classic.


Maybe we’ll get RDF now


Customers of a game focus on what they’re paying for rather than activision, a publicly traded company, having shady as ef business practices.

I wonder why that is.

In other news, grass is green, sky is blue.

They quite literally did.

We have everything else from 3.3.5 outside of access to content. RDF isn’t content.

Therefore, RDF was arbitrarily removed. The only thing to be removed.

By 2 whole days. RDF was in WotLK for half of it.

Yeah, I dunno if you know this, but…

This is what people are disagreeing with and voicing.


Well, I’m okay with his firing.

Maybe they’ll bring someone with more than 3 brain-cells that understands the community better… maybe whoever takes over will finally add RDF.


Oh, if someone MUST receive a low rank, then that seems odd. That is more fitting for say like Amazon package sorters…someone has to be last, by logic. But to make that part of a review and tie the salary to that. That seems flawed. At least they could utilize a different system.
I think I read HR is one of the least respected professions. Most people don’t like them. Kind of like telling your peers…‘hey i’m a parking enforcement officer’. Ya…they are going to look at you funny.

Yea HR is pretty useless… they’re there for one purpose to protect the company usually at the employee’s expense, even though they claim they’re there to protect the employee.

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just want to point out ever since burngingham got fired from his roll as director of classic or whatever it is. can you notice bugs started getting fixed? kind of odd. personally i think he’s been a cancer to the classic community. things were being left broken and for no reason.


This is done in every company from Target to Home Depot to Oracle. Every corporation does this. It’s screwed up, but it’s not unique to blizzard or rare in any way.

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Personally, I haven’t. I’ve just noticed more of a focus on trivial pet projects that matter less than 0.000001% while ignoring anything that actually matters at all or improves the quality of the game. Yes, there have been some bug fixes but they’ve been doing those the whole time (some bugs still get ignored).

I thought the even worse communication on things that actually matter in the slightest was because they don’t really have a leader anymore and they were still readjusting to give them the benefit of the doubt but who know. Glad to see there are people who think the devs are performing better than F-- though I guess.

There are still a ton of bots too.


The screwed up part, well another one, is then its on employees to pay ouf of pocket to get lawyers to fix this worst case.

LOng ago where my mom worked a secretary was jsut that good. solid reviews for years. 10/10, 5 stars, etc.

then one year she is 1/10. what changed? she notified company she had a disease. they were setting up bad evals to set up firing her since she would ofc be a hinderance to the company as treatments for the disease would lower efficiency.

so she fought that, and won. Still if no win, that was money out of her pocket on the loss.

the punchline was…this was a law firm. they should have known better. she did…she hired a law firm they hated since a competitor. she even knew who to hire since they complained to losing to them often lol.

naw, they get no passes and thats how i read it from you. they’ve had since prepatch to fix pet classes which are 4 classes. the fact this took half a year to address is beyond incompetence. its down right negligence on their part. DKs have been complaining about their 10 minute cool down Army of the dead not working as intended until they TAKE DAMAGE. all pets were basically set to passive. they didn’t even acknowledge this issue. the person running the show is Burningham he deserves all the blame for not addressing these problems.

if we find a bug they should be like thanks for addressing this issue we are looking into it especially if its a being brought up by multiple people and multiple classes. they don’t do this. warriors since ulduar has come out have been losing their mind over their 4pc and their bleeds. its not being addressed. its not hard to say hey we will dig into this if enough people are complaining about it. i believe fire mages have been complaining about ignite munching (not sure if thats still happening) but thats been going on as long as the pet’s basically being stuck in passive until we take damage. all these issues that got pushed back are a result of piss poor leadership. he deserves to be crucified for his ineffective and poor leadership. even if he’s being handcuffed he should have said listen i cannot do my job the way i would like and give you the players the product you want. with that i’m resigning. he stayed because he was getting a fat paycheck and i don’t blame him. he was probably getting close to a 7 figure salary. and if he was getting close to that. he can probably slide off into some bum F no where country and live like a king for the rest of his life.

Brian leaves and now 70% of all leveling BGs lvl 50 and up are dk bots. Hmmm

There’s almost nothing that could get me to quit this game but this is one of those things. If I can’t fight real players, what’s the point?

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Bruh they’ve made it impossible to make new dks on a server with out already having a 55 on that server. what are you complaining about. that was a change that was done under him. what more do you want them to do? make it so you can’t make death knights all together? they sure as S*** ain’t banning someone who is giving them 15 bucks.

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Yes actually. That’d be great. Or just ban them from queuing BGs.

the bots never left bene/faer/grobb. so its not all make new chars on them there to blame. this happend at same time.

and at some point they were opening these in some way. making new chars was coming. one way or the other. sooner or later.

If cata is coming they need people on the big servers saying c’mon dude. Cata…lets go. sub please.

friend goes can I play with you and your crew.

No. locked server.

will you transfer to my server?


and that friend goes nah…

the servers were opening one way or the other. they need new blood for an expected population drop from cata. Some did not like cata. they liked mop. they will jsut come back 3 years from now to hammer out those 5 levels lol.

they need new blood while the cata quitters go on hiatus.

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too bad ain’t gonna happen. you clearly are ignorant. your famed champion of classic did prevent those dks from being being made until a level 55 was had been achieved. horrible move on the part of actual players. your golden boy screwed the remaining players. the individual or small group catches a punitive punishment for everyone.

wut? I don’t care about him at all. Just merely pointing out a coincidence with the timing of the dk bot epidemic.

No they haven’t. $15 gets you another instant 55 dk.

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