Brian Birmingham leaves Blizzard. Rip Classic


That’s the RDF crowd on these forums for you.

I, and my tin foil, think it wasn’t just him. the whole ding dong the witch is dead bit…this ain’t over. But as I said elsewhere I ahve differences with the dude…he got mad respect for backing his people from me.

My tin foil says to me…they are going for a Konami here.

I see…hostile work environment to have Kojima-san say screw this crap. let him go. Kind of similar here.

I see a game that I will admit has had some success that wasn’t apparently wasn’t supposed be that way. Now they are on the hook. damn, this was to supposed to make money no effort.

You see, konami clearyly wanted out of pc/console gaming. to focus on pachinko (which is a big money maker here in japan…they weren’t going broke on the call really).

Kojima made MGS 5 that was supposed to gracefully fail. Not lose massive money…but not be great. And MGS5 hit 3 grand slams. critically acclaimed in the industry, player acclaimed, and made money.

So we got trying to shake the lead dev not maybe wanted.

we got classic not doing as unwell as maybe wanted.

all we got left is really push this over the edge with a crap release. that game that came after MGS5 was horrid.

Why I see no changes.

No features wanted (not only rdf…promised stuff like quest helper, armoury, etc not in game),

some bugs (no water in WG),

and clearly turning away money making options. Race change would make money. Unlimited boosts, money.

Blizzard is looking to setup the wow version of metal gear: survive as I see it. if not wrath it will be cata:survive lol.

its all that’s left from the Konami playbook. and its looking to follow that book play by play more these days.

It’s possible that Blizzard gave him the option to quit instead of being fired.
It’s much harder to find a job if you are fired for incompetence than being forced out- which is something he can now claim during his next interview given he quit before he was fired.

It’s possible to praise someone for trying to be noble, yet happy his departure might make Classic a better experience.

It’s possible to separate personal and professional feelings.


But think of the profits from exploiting the work of employees!

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the sick punchline here is who ever replaces him I’d not be surprised will be given a lower salary.

that is another fun HR trend. you will take over the this person’s job. doing everything they did. at some dollars an hour less pay.

welcome on board!

this is why HR has the no salary discussion rule. shame HR doesn’t know some people can see that job ad over say 6 years and see the listed ad for salary get lower, and lower, and lower.

why don’t you put in for that job?

umm that job has lost $5 an hour over the years. and is now a pay cut from where I am.

work and prove yourself? hahahahaha…been there. I took a job my friend had. after he left we could discuss pay, no longer an employee in his case you see. still never got to what he was paid. And I got more work as things expanded.

fool me once, shame on me. fool me twice…not happening.


Sad news would’ve been “Brian Birmingham promoted for such stellar management of Classic WoW!”

Stack ranking is dumb though. So fully agreed on trash company striking again.


To be fair…its not like its hard to outshine Ion.

so…we can fly in DF right away?

yes, only on this mount though. and you have to do half butted sonic the hedge hog/mario inspired thing to collect tokens. but the mount is faster than your regular mounts!

OKay…I can deal with flying slower. Can I use this mount I actually want to fly? in DF lands, that is (ion is a lawyer, I know he would say you can in older content).


You are force feeding your feature aren’t you?

Yes. I mean no. you want to fly like this.

Not really dude. I want to press num lock and go get a glass of water, put clothes in the dryer…I do small things on travel hops.


WoW devs never admit they were wrong. At best they give in a little to the players, like they did in Dragonflight.


Oh, Ion and Holly both need to go too, imo.

Ion should have stuck to raid design. I’m sure Brian is solid at something too, just again, obviously not overall design. And I honestly have zero idea what Holly has been responsible for, but she is supposed to be another one of the Classic leads.


Next up - Holly Longdale


When is microsoft buying the company?
Fire all the execs day one.


has to clear the FTC.

some are going its doomed there. I don’t.

M$ can walk in and go dude…you don’t pull this crap with oracle or cisco.

Your circus side show made people happy. time to end this.

But yeah…the head shed at blizzard is like a lfr crew from hell.

if their leadership and HR were a lfr raid…it be a lfr raid at like 10 stacks of fail at this point really. time for some strategic kicks imo.


Nah, I get the impression she knows how to play the corporate game. That’s how you rise or fall, not job performance.

Longdale effectively has ‘qualified immunity’ because of the ‘cubicle crawl’ debacle. Trans-Blizzard can’t be seen terminating a high-profile female executive without very very very ‘just cause’ (and even then, the criticism would be immediate).


I think youre confusing being happy he lost his job because of his poor game decision making with us somehow being happy he lost his job for standing up for his colleagues.

They arent mutually exclusive, you can respect how he treated his employees and be happy hes gone at the same time.


Never could stand this clown, he would just resort to twitter and cry about everything while deflecting the blame onto everyone else. Seems like he still can’t help himself lmao. He could have said something much earlier if it was such an issue (which it was), he could have done something about it. Instead he let it fester for too long then threw in the towel when he didn’t get a cookie for being a ‘good boy’.


100% spot on