Brian Birmingham leaves Blizzard. Rip Classic

That’s because your reasons RDF is bad are based on a fictitious rose colored view that doesn’t reflect the actual realities of the current classic game play experience. Or the actual original experience for that matter which is of course why RDF was added in the first place.


Of you would focus on your own agenda and ignore the point of this discussion.

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So if we have a Team of people, where the worst is working at a 120% performance compared to the average, and the best at 150%, the system would require to rate the “low performers” average ?
Thats an innate bad system.
I´ve done evaluation of tons of apprentices for German chambers of manual/industrial commerce.
We´ve had years in which the average apprentice scored in the reaches of 90/100, and years where the average was around 65, with heaps of people failing their evaluation.

There also had been practices in place, especially in the past, where we were incentivised to not hand out top scores, based on an argumentational fallacy like “there could always be someone perfoming better”.

Well that was stupid. To evaluate you need a system of rules and reasons on which the evaluation is based on. If people fit the criteria, they get the evaluation that matches their exact perfomance.
If everyone is exceptional, everyone has to be rated as such.
If everyone fails, everyone has to be rated as such.

Everything else leads to frustration of the ones being evaluated and a biased evaluation result.

Even today, after over 2 decades since it happens, i still vividly remember how fuming mad i was for getting a non perfect score on my oral evaluation, even tho the evaluators could not even give me a single point on where i could´ve done better.


What a bunch of absolute BS. Adding retail garbage like H+, LFG, xrealm instanced WG, boosts, and so on, are RETAIL. These things are all grabbed out of RETAIL.

Imagine just giving us an authentic Wrath. Oh the horror.


Nope, its been a complete dumpster fire from the start, starting with world buffs.

World Buff meta was the most fun era of Classic imo so not gonna win me over with this one lul.

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Authenticity doesn’t sell deluxe editions

I mean we have Heroic+ and the watered down LFG system which are both from retail which by your logic is a retailized classic.


Hey atleast theyre keeping it authentic wrath and not retailizing it by releasing cross realm arena and battleground group queueing.

That’s exactly what sells it.

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If it did than the TBC and Wrath deluxe editions wouldnt of sold like hot cakes.

Feel free to think what you want, but we just wanted classic as it was supposed to be.

He wanted to change so much. If his ideas for dual spec would have gone through, I wouldn’t be playing it.


Starting with the client and mega servers in classic, there were a ton of changes from then on. EVERYTHING played differently whether you realized it or not. Leeway, batching, macros . . .

The one thing that totally pissed me off and still does is the way growl behaved. Damage for BM pets was off as well. There were a ton of changes.

That being said, you aren’t buying Wrath or TBC. You’re buying current WoW and allowed access to classic.

Plenty of people with both the 80 dollar deluxe edition mounts everywhere.

There was 28 healthy balanced servers at classic launch. People rolled PvP servers who didnt want the smoke.


/10 chars

He was fired


Let me understand the facts here. He was fired/quit because he refused to give bad reviews to a team that is getting consistently horrible reviews from the customer base. That somehow makes him the hero?



removal of spit was done by the same people who think male / female needed to be changed to body type 1 and body type 2. but, pop off squirt.


“Yeah thats a bad policy, but he was bad for classic. Lul”

Classic bruh moment right here.

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Corporate America zergs a creative realm and ruins it.