Brian Birmingham leaves Blizzard. Rip Classic

To be fair… considering most of it happened during the pandemic when lots of people were on lockdown it honestly wasnt that bad this time lol. And with modern technology and discords allowing people to coordinate honor stacking it was way more efficient than it was in 2006. I actually had a pretty good time ranking for the most part… The decay was brutal if you ever had to take a week off though…

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So you have no real point then. Ok we have established that some want the random finder and some don’t. And there is multiple reasons, most of which are anecdotal for wanting it or not wanting it.

Lol - what? This entire conversation I’ve had SEVERAL points lol. You’re the one with zero there buddy.


Red just doesnt know when to give up


Your point about a horde party having to skip stocks or by association an alliance party having to skip ragefire because of the difficulties involved is moot imo. There’s quests out in the world to do at those level brackets. An alliance character for example can reach level 10 or 11 by doing all the quests in elwynn forest.

There are quests to do at every level - thereby negating the usefulness of all dungeons, given your reasoning.


He’s used to being carried. Too bad no one can carry him through this conversation.


If the game was only dungeons not being able to run one because of having to go into the enemy factions city would be problematic. Thankfully dungeons are only a part of the game.

I’m done chasing you around bushes, man. Come back when you have a point to make. You’re just making yourself look foolish on another alt, man.


Your point is you like the random dungeon finder and think its needed in wrath classic. I disagree.

I hope we can both continue to enjoy the game though. Good night.

Clearly people agree with me. Not too many jumping to your aid, though.


he needs now some burn heal for that.


Really hope that now he’s gone that we’ll get RDF. He seems like he was the guy holding it up since I remember in an interview with Aggrend iirc that the team was 50/50 on it.


Yeah, all of that went out the window with flying.


Teleporting to a dungeon means the group has filled up and that involves other players.


That too.

But the idea that the “world is alive” outside of the early expansion rush to max level is stupid and hasn’t been true at any point I’ve played up till and including Cataclysm.

If the world being alive was the intent these fools would be arguing for the quest system in retail.


Dont you love how alive the world feels when youre on a flight path alt tabbed out watching youtube?


In fairness, the only time I take a flight path is when I go grab a snack or a cup of coffee cause I can’ bear fly over mining nodes ;(

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Did he not have a phone?

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not really wrong though…