Brian Birmingham leaves Blizzard. Rip Classic

Depends on the dungeon. Players will go back to SM multiple times for example because of the large level spread. Good loot too.**

Lol - that doesn’t really answer the question here. Of course you’ll always go back more than once.

I’ve lost interest in this conversation - have a good night.

You are right. Sorry I forgot to add that the loot in stocks isn’t worthwhile to run for a leveling horde party. But you already know that. Not sure what you are getting at.

This does not warrant the implementation of the random dungeon finder. Why would an alliance party need ragefire chasm for example? They wouldn’t for the same reasons. The no quests part makes it even more of a non issue.

Good night to you as well.

Alliance being unable to run RFC is having the world removed from them.

Maybe one day you’ll find the ability to have a real conversation without hindering yourself at every turn.

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If an alliance party had enough ambition they could run ragefire though couldn’t they? Might be several corpse runs involved, but eventually the party would make it. Same with a horde party running stocks.

So I ask again, have you run Stocks as Horde using the LFG tool?

Not on a horde character no.

Ah, so there are dungeons that you have skipped, and yet, the “World” is supposedly a huge thing, huh?


Why couldnt you admit that right away instead of embarrassing yourself by skirting the question?


Have you ran ragefire chasm as a horde even? RFC has desireable loot for an alliance at that level.


I think i get it now. The correlation is that the world of warcraft still exists rather or not the random dungeon finder is in the game?

I disagree. The game is altered after the finder goes live. And imo, and others, including Mr. Birmingham, the random dungeon finder does more harm than good.

Actually, that wasn’t my point, but it is true.

It’s funny… most people that share your view are alts with 0 posts, that speak JUST like certain other people that share the same view.

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Its alterred by it being better, yes.

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What was then?

Unfortunately the same can be said about your camp.

In your opinion. In mine no its not better.

Good thing he’s gone now.




That you consciously choose to skip content in a world that you claim to be too important to skip anything in. A.k.a. you’re a hypocrite, and kind of a dumb one at that.

Considering I have over 2,500 posts, and you had zero coming into this conversation, whose side is looking better now?

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Time will tell. I hope the game stays great. Its been fun again since returning to vanilla in 2019 for me and my friends.

good i’m glad this moron is gone. he deserves to be gone. he wished us to not have RDF.


Luckily your opinion is often contradicted by your own opinions.