Brian Birmingham leaves Blizzard. Rip Classic

Players have MUCH longer “queues” today than we had when we had RDF.

Are you stupid, or are you just messing with me?


Players are running dungeons. Without the patch 3.3 finder. When that stops completely let me know.

Can you articulate why the game requires the random dungeon finder in order to run a dungeon?

The current state of the LFG tool for each Azeroth dungeon?


I’m able to run dungeons with the LFG. But I’m on faerlina. I have heard its pretty bad on small servers though. I’m not convinced that we need the random finder to fix that though. They could add cross server to the LFG for example.

Have you run Stocks as Horde, or are you still trying to figure out how to play a Hunter?


If you had to manually form every group for a battleground, and also travel to the instance portal…sure, it’s still possible to do bgs. But you’re trying to say it wouldn’t be more tedious? That it wouldn’t reduce the number of bgs you can do? That less people wouldn’t do bgs?

It’s the same thing with dungeons.


Lol what does that have to do with this discussion?

We know who you are. Although, the first part of that question was genuine - have you found a group, on the Horde, to complete the Stockade?


So playing with other people from other servers. Yet agaim debunking your own arguments.





Via the LFG or just running in to do it for reasons? I’m sure I’ve ran into stormwind at some point to run it. But during the leveling process horde doesn’t have a great need to run stocks. Certainly not enough to warrant the implementation of the random dungeon finder. *typo edited

No matter which alt they switch to, it’s the same old nonsense.

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It’d be easy enough to remember.

Ah, but you said you’ve run dungeons with the LFG. Why leave one out?


Cross server LFG is better than the random dungeon finder in terms of the mmprpg imo because you have to form the group still. When it was first added in legion It was a great way to form groups for mythic dungeons.

Dear god, just shut up.


I answered that. Ill quote it for you.

See the above bold text.

So, you run dungeons only once each?

No, what gave you that idea?

This would be mainly because of the lack of quests, right?

What happens to a dungeon when you finish the quests? Do you just not go back?