Brian Birmingham leaves Blizzard. Rip Classic


You do realize what client we’re using, right? They had to physically remove it from the code.


Patch 3.3 would correlate to the icc phase in the wrath classic roll-out.

See, that would have some validity to it, but considering we’ve gotten several things early, it doesn’t.


Yes and other things are being pushed farther out too.

Like what?

oh wait hold up, it’s almost like WOTLKC released on the v3.3.5 balance patch… crazy that means RDF should be out!


Cross-realm bgs came in 1.12, months after Naxx40. They came with BWL in Classic. There’s a hundred other examples of systems either coming at the start or much earlier than originally.

The patch a system was originally added has never mattered except with RDF. And even what you’re saying is irrelevant since as of now RDF is NOT coming with ICC.


Microshaft is laying people off at studios they just bought and haven’t produced a game from yet, yeah that’s TOTALLY who we need in charge of several declining franchises.

They’ve been running Halo into the ground, laid people off at 343 the same day as people from bethesda, and have we seen anything from Rare? Ever?

The random dungeon finder is in a class of its own since it fundamentally changes how players run dungeons.

Imo, and in others its bad for the game and has no place in classic. Other players feel it was/is a great system. Its up to blizzard to decide.

How does it change it, exactly?

And I mean, queuing for BGs from anywhere changes how you PvP - so does same-faction BGs.


Saying a system for Wrath has no place in Wrath is just silly.


Teleporting to an instance removes the world from the world of warcraft. Teleporting to a battle ground literally teleports you strait to the action of warcraft. Completely different things.

One breaks the rpg, the other does not.

We have summons… and removing the AFK flight isn’t a detriment to anyone.

Odd… why wouldn’t they have started with that then?

Hmmm… players needing to sign up in the BG’s respective zones eliminated for instant-queuing…

Yeah, RDF is the only system that broke immersion.


One system is pve content (rpg)

The other is pvp. (mostly just pvp very little rp)

You do realize that most content in WoW (and its history) is about Horde v. Alliance, right?


Yes, wow is an mmorpg. Removing the world from it via teleporting to the dungeon violates the rp, and on a pvp server (assuming we actually had real pvp servers left) even more so. Teleporting to a battleground, although not ideal, isn’t nearly as bad imo.

For the record I don’t think you should be able to queue for a bg anywhere either, should have to visit the battle master. But that ship has sailed its in the game.

You’re moving around a bit here, eh? Hard to stay on topic, I see.

How is RDF’s teleport any different than a Warlock’s summon, or the Summoning Stones? All three teleport you to the dungeon, and thus, “remove the world” from the game. So, why are two okay, but the other isn’t?

How isn’t it? You’re in a battleground to fight for your faction, a battleground which you are teleported to and from.

Odd… I don’t see any complaints under your profile in regards to this. I must have missed them.


You and the other replies certainly seem to think you know everything from your computer chair, but really you’re dumb and wrong. And just sucking off another idiot that worked at Blizzard who ruined things we enjoyed and had fond memories of.


Warlock summoning involves other players. So does the summoning stone. And typically those players traversed the world to get to that place. Neither violates the mmorpg, in fact those activities enhance it.

So, first…

It would still remove the travel from you. It shouldn’t matter if all other members spent hours walking there; you didn’t.

Secondly, most players have already explored every nook and cranny that Northrend (or Azeroth/Outland) has to offer. What’s there to gain, doing it again?

You, as a player in an RPG, are being summoned directly to a dungeon, thereby negating any travel you would otherwise need to make.