Brewmaster is rated S tier by youtubers. But why?

I’d like a citation on your claim. The gap between BDK and Prot Warrior, for example, is immense in Shadowlands.

All tank that has 500k HP and take 500k damage will get 1 shotted.

All but Brewmaster.

This is an over simplification. EHP is a lot more complicated than that.

Fortifying Brew is a 7 minute cooldown (reduced by rotation, but still…)


Honestly, if you see any kind of tank tier rating, it’s very likely extremely outdated at this point. There’s probably a single digit amount of Youtubers who can accurately rank every tank’s strength and weakness. Most youtubers:

Regardless, Monk is generally “S” tier early patch because it’s a much less bursty tank for undergeared players. When cutting edge guilds are attempting to clear mythic Nyalotha with 445-450 gear, pallys, druids, DHs, warriors are way more susceptible to the big rng burst hit from the boss than monks are, due to stagger. Monk is probably the ‘best’ MT for raids when you’re undergeared.

That’s it. It’s certainly a strength for BrM that the cutting edge guilds utilize. And that’s why most Youtubers will put it in “S” tier, because you’re looking at outdated and echoed information.

Then let me simplify it more for you, all tank that take 100% of his HP in damage will die, the keyword here is take, which is after mitigation.

Resto druid + brm = ezmode


I meant Ironskin*** lol (and you should’ve known what I meant, because Fortifying doesn’t have multiple uses :stuck_out_tongue: )

Oh, I understand. That’s why I’m switching to BrM in Shadowlands* (after tanking as a bear for 15 years). I just think, given the recent BrM nerfs, that BDK is looking really good right now for SL.

The thing is, most youtubers don’t actively play, or if they do it’s at a shallow level across the board because they want to crank out as many vids as possible for a wide audience.

There are limited numbers of dedicated tank youtubers, so they’re going to have to pick up on the recent buffs/nerfs, and then the “more popular” youtubers will have to pick up on that and regurgitate it. It takes time, as a cycle. The “monk is s-tier for shadowlands” stuff is already outdated, though.

*Well, that and Mystic Touch, since nobody wants to play WW or MW in Shadowlands, and somebody has to bring Mystic Touch to raid.

The monk mastery is arguably as strong as stagger for raid bosses when its stacked high enough; it completely nullified half of a boss’s autos this tier and made thought harvesters irrelevant on mythic nzoth.

Staggers great and all, but it’s the entire kit that makes brewmasters consistently as strong as they are for progression raiding.

When im resto druid and a warrior takes a huge hit, it takes time for my hots to heal them back up as compared to BM. My hots tick up as their health ticks down meaning my cast heals actually top them off. To me it feels more fluid to heal BM and not a panic every other pack or big hit. Just my 2 cents.

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First thing I always tell folks on my DK. Watch the blue bar. If it is low? Help.

Otherwise let me do my thing.

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I see… that actually clarifies a lot for me for real.

So as someone who is likely not cutting edge and just on curve, I’m probably better off NOT going brewmaster and probably better for blood DK then.

I’ll probably not be clearing content anytime soon where my item level will be sooooo far behind other content.

I see… this actually sounds like a significant perk. Especially considering how druids are the meta in mythic+ content so likely my healer I’ll have.

Is this the case even when I am playing on curve and not super ahead of curve?

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Its easier to heal moderate damage overtime constantly than to keep big healing huge spikes of damage as a healer. Lets say a tank takes 80% damage from x and then will take 30% damage from y in 1.5 seconds. You will have to pop a big instant cast healer or have precasted knowing the damage was incoming which isn’t always the case. But you you take 80% damage over 10 seconds that 30% damage coming so soon after isn’t as terrifying because even if you don’t get the heal off RIGHT NOW they wont die.

They have 100% mitigation that will always smooth out the tank’s damage intake.

Personally they’re not my favorite to heal, but I understand why they are many people’s favorite, and when you’re talking about the world first race, that slight edge matters too.

At that level, you’re better off going with whatever tank you play the best, because the difference in class performance at that rank is way less important than your own individual skill level with that particular tank.

Basically if you play Blood DK well, and Brewmaster just sort of ok, then your Blood DK will be more effective.

Based on your posts, you clearly sound more comfortable on a Blood DK as opposed to a Brewmaster, so play that, you’ll be fine.

The thing is, this isn’t really true. Brewmaster mostly plays itself. Even more so in SL where Ironskin Brew is replaced by Shuffle and Shuffle just happens passively as long as you keep attacking something.

Blood DK is much more active, through proper timing of Death Strikes (the 5 second window and deciding to use it as a top off before a big hit, or a heal back after, stacking Runic without spending it on overhealing) and maintaining Blood Shield through Marrowrends.

BM is still pretty much Keg Smash -> Breath of Fire and keep punching and kicking and purrifying at very high stagger (right after a big tank buster, just erasing half of it).

Blood will be strong in SL. But it will require a much higher skillcap to be that strong. Brewmaster is still faceroll, even though Ironskin Brew -> Shuffle is a sort of nerf to stagger’s efficiency since it seems to fall off without actually being able to control it.

Swifty did nothing wrong.

“1 shot” isn’t a literal statement. It’s basically the vulnerability to burst damage.

Brewmasters aren’t nearly as vulnerable to huge spikes in damage, it’s far, far easier (especially in high end content, like early days Mythic Raiding or high M+) to constantly heal a tank with smoothed out damage than it is to put less healing overall into something like a Prot Paladin, but have them be at risk of dying to huge spikes of damage.

Brewmasters can clear their stagger with a brew.