Brewfest mount drop is accidentally changed to once daily for entire account like the dragon skin

And RNG should have bad luck protection for a better reward approach…



I’m pretty sure people have already announced they got it on subsequent tries.

So I’ve been doing to 30 times a day, only for that extra 29 times be a waste of time?

one of my guildies also got it on their umteenth try yesterday.

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Finally got the Brewfest cosmetic skin on my lvl 62 warrior. Good luck everyone!

This thread needs to be deleted.

Except for the people that got it on subsequent tries, of course.

No, it is not 1 time per day. The op is incorrect with this.

Your first chance has increased drop chance, any after that is the same as it has been during event.

I now know 2 people who had gotten it after their first try