Brewfest mount drop is accidentally changed to once daily for entire account like the dragon skin

I dont think anyone has experienced getting mount drop past their first kill of the day for their account as a whole this year. Blz pls fix this bug. It’s unfair to people who have tons of alts but new to mount collection.

Edit: The problem is not about the increased chance of first kill. The problem is that they changed subsequent kills drop chance to almost 0.

Proof: from wowhead historical data, Before this year, Great Brewfest Kodo drops 2,459 out of 89,844. Including this year it drops 2,475 out of 107,580. Alt drop rate is effectively 0.1% or lower


No, pretty sure that is intentional. Iirc they changed it last Hollow’s Eve for the Horseman, or maybe it was the Rocket for last Love is in the Air.


only getting one chance a day no matter the number of alts is demoralizing, I mean I’m still after the ram now I gotta try for a keg to stick on my protodrake too…and both are behind this terrible RNG? Yeah no… I’m more tempted to just take a vacation from WoW and play something else than deal with this nonsense. If this was done on purpose the person behind it needs to be fired and the change undone as this is not what players asked for when asking for the drop rate to be better


Yeah if it’s only one try a day that matters then this change is god awful, you wanna know what my first loot bag a day is every single time without fail? Nothing but tokens, no trinket, no items besides a tiny amount of tokens I can’t use when brewfest packs up and leaves town.


Do we know that it is once daily, or just reduced drop rate after the first?


good thing i got headless horseman mount second drop or i would just probably quit at this change. feel bad for those who havent.


I know 2 people who didn’t get it off their first kill. It’s just a reduced drop rate.


For me personally, I really like the change. I would rather spend 2 minutes rolling the dice for a slightly higher drop rate and move on to something else vs. spending hours running it over and over again on alts every day to try to beat the small odds of actually winning.

It sucks to lose, but it sucks even more to spend multiple hours losing over and over again.


several people in the other thread said they received it on subsequent kills. please stop spreading misinformation.


My understanding is that they only changed the drop rate for the he love rocket as that had a much lower chance to drop than any of the other holiday mounts. I don’t think blizz changed any of the other holiday events.

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They’re tired of people playing the game this way and they want them to stop, especially because the type of people who do this don’t deserve to increase their chances by working more and playing more. They figure those people will start endlessly pushing keys and doing mythic raiding after they realize it now feels bad to play the way they have always liked to.

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If they did indeed change this, it comes with an increased “rate” to compensate. It’s not like they have the old drop rates and you’ve been limited to 16 chances.

One shouldn’t need to run it 10+ times a day over the duration of the event to have good chances at a drop. This type of change fixes that. You might not think the odds are in your favor just because the quantity goes down, but that isn’t how statistics work. Blizzard can set the drop rate to a level where the one chance will always statistically be better, just like how they handled the evoker legendary drop chance with higher difficulties (in that it’s better odds to just kill your highest difficulty once instead of doing all of them in ascending order each week).

Something I think they should do with these events is get rid of the differing role queues and just go to player queue. They already have a role-agnostic icon that fits this which was added in 10.1.5 or 10.1.7 (if you queue Solo Shuffle, the role check once you accept the queue is using it) so perhaps they are moving in this direction with special queued events eventually.

It’s not one chance per day. It’s one better chance followed by normal chances. I’m just surprised I haven’t had anything of value drop yet.

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The problem is not about the increased chance of first kill. The problem is that they changed subsequent kills drop chance to almost 0.

Proof: I have 2 bnet accounts and 90 alts. If it’s normal chance (old chance before this year) of 2% for ram and 3% chance for kodo, the probability of me not getting a single mount in the past 4 days is (0.98 X 0.97)^(90 X 4) = 0.00000001200083 (without considering the increased chance)

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Do you have actual proof that they’ve nerfed the drop rate?

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No. They didnt.

got a source for that wild claim?

Yep. As a casual who has done nothing above heroic dungeons and LFR, this new change has meant that I am now doing M+35’s and am solo running mythic Abberus. I’m also now a duelist or whatever the top rank for pvp is called nowadays. My ilvl is over 9000.

I can also kill GMs in-game.


It’s not nerfed. The first chance is actually improved, then the rest of the chances go to the old drop rate.

Which mount is this for by the way? Brewfest has two mounts (or used to).

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People thought that
old drop chance:
ram: 2%
kodo: 3%
new drop chance:
ram: >2% for first kill, 2% for subsequent kill
kodo: >3% for first kill, 3% for subsequent kill

The truth is
old drop chance:
ram: 2%
kodo: 3%
new drop chance:
ram: >=2% for first kill, ~0 for subsequent kill
kodo: >=3% for first kill, ~0 for subsequent kill

Proof: I have 2 bnet accounts and 90 alts. If it’s normal chance (old chance before this year) of 2% for ram and 3% chance for kodo, the probability of me not getting a single mount in the past 4 days is (0.98 X 0.97)^(90 X 4) = 0.00000001200083 (without considering the increased chance). And i know i’m not the only one in the same situation.