Brewfest mount drop is accidentally changed to once daily for entire account like the dragon skin

Do you already have the mounts from previous years? It doesn’t look like you do on the account you are posting on. So, next question, is this the first year that you’ve farmed the mount on that account?

All I know yesterday is that I saw the ram drop twice back-to-back alts and the Kodo once. So 3 separate characters saw it 3 times in a day. There are days I haven’t seen it at all. There have been days I have seen it only once (not the first character either). RNG is RNG.

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The system for holidays is bad. It needs to be on a vendor for a high amount of currency so that by the end of the holiday, if people don’t get it from the boss, then they can buy it from the vendor.


Be really sweet if they would change the mounts or add some new ones. I got both of them like 10 years ago.


They did a holiday refresh and barely did anything.

Glad I got the headless horseman mount years ago as it spares me the pain of having to hunt for it. I probably will skip halloween if it’s like things are now, Blizz hates fun it seems


I’ve seen other extreme reports like this. It really sounds like they made the subsequent kills on the order of the original Love Rocket drop rate. If not, then that’s some crazy bad luck getting reported.

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Guildie of mine got the ram on his 3rd attempt of a day yesterday. So no, you are wrong and spreading misinformation. You can in fact still get the mount on alts, it just does not benefit from the increased drop chance.

And your statistics on chances of getting the mount in 4 days does not mean anything as there is still that chance you dont get anything since its not garunteed.

I shoukd know, i have been running icc for years on multiple alts getting to around 1200 on just 1 alt, and i still do not have invincible even though its a 5% drop chance. Statistically i should have gotten it already several times, but thats just it, 5%, 3%, 2% chances are extremly low and you have higher chance of not getting any mount

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There’s so much more to WoW than farming cosmetics you will use once. I wish people would see that


good grief, there are some wild baseless conspiracies floating around in this thread.


I do in fact do more than farm cosmetic stuff but when it’s stuff I’d like from a limited time event that only happens once a year… kinda want to at least try to get the items. Just wish we could use the tokens to get them so I could get back to other things as I’m not too thrilled to be hunting a ram mount. The kodo dropped for me like years ago but I can’t exactly ignore brewfest with an incomplete set. Although I may get enough tokens this year to buy that small horse that follows me around with free beer… hmm


If a cosmetic on a holiday is making you quit you’re either lying or need a good break as something else in your life clearly needs attention for you behaving that way.


wait… they changed it to one chance a day? If they want to do that then the drop rate should be increased to like 50%. Ive been farming some of these mounts for years on 20+ toons every event and still dont have it, if the rates been nerfed like that why even bother farming for it, you know you wont get it


Before this year, Great Brewfest Kodo drops 2,459 out of 89,844. Including this year it drops 2,475 out of 107,580. Alt drop rate is effectively 0.1% or lower

Yeah cool so the fix to the low holiday rates was to “buff” the first kill and nerf alt kills straight into the ground and beyond.

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“YOU” get to use the mount account wide if it drops for any character therefor the odds for “YOU” (not your characters) getting the mount is absolutely fair. In this case, I believe, Blizz is simply keeping people from guaranteeing a rare drop that wouldn’t be very rare otherwise. You get as much chance per day as anyone else and do in fact increase that chance per alt kill overall, just not by much. If in fact it is reduced after first kill. Regardless, “YOU” have, at least, as much chance as “I” do for the drop, every day.

You’ve done the math wrong there. The chance of getting a mount drop is (1-0.03)^360 which is 0.00001729 or 0.001729%.
All the proof you have just shows you have seriously bad luck, and you’re using that to justify your claim which had already been proven wrong multiple times in this thread

A number of people earlier in this thread said that they got it on the 2nd or greater time trying in a single day. So, the answer is no as far as I can tell.

I never said anything about quitting the game over a cosmetic, get out of here you bloody troll. Taking a break from a game isn’t quitting as I said nothing about unsubscribing so take your lies elsewhere thanks

I spoke to my cousin’s Uncle, who works for Nintendo, and he said that the wheels are already in motion.