Brewfest is Back On in Burning Crusade Classic

In the scope of villains I’m a Loki so I feel like its still in character.

Which one, Alligator Loki?

Dude I wish!

No it’s not.

Blizzard decided to give us an extra day.

"Do you love eating delicious faire food, drinking bountiful beverages, and riding rams around barrels of apples? Brewfest has arrived and you can do all that and more from September 20–October 6.


And then it goes on to talk about Retail Brewfest… and not Classic.

Which they didn’t state until today. The original Blizzard post at the start of the event stated the 6th. There was nothing indicating that TBC was on a different time line from what they posted.


Why would WoW holiday dates be different on either version, you’re gonna strain something reaching so hard


Unbelievable dealing with people like you defending them.


Takes several days away from us and gives one day back. Still isn’t going to the 6th like it’s supposed to. It feels like you’re trolling us at this point.

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Okay, apologiests, just stop. Stop now.

You can’t defend this one.

  1. Go to Wowhead
  2. Clear communication that it ends on the 6th
  3. Bugged Horde quests the first two days reducing the tokens the Horde can get by 30
  4. Ends on the 3rd
  5. Bliz extends one day

We are still 2 days less than advertised, by the direction of Blizzard in addition to an additional 2 days of a quest equaling 30 more tokens for the Horde players.

I got an average of 41-43 tokens a day doing the dailies and one ram run. So this is effectively 112 tokens that players should have been able to farm prior to the original end.

It’s on Blizzard to fix this, nothing you can spin is going to change how badly they screwed this up.

For the record, I played the “twice a day” game and got the mounts on my main. I’m fighting for the right thing to happen.


How about communicate dates for classic events at all and not just retail?


Exactly. I could care less about Brewfest, I think the only tokens I got was from the initial dungeon turn in. However, that doesn’t change the fact that I can clearly see that Blizzard made zero communication that TBC’s version was different from the one announcement they did make.

At best Blizzard was just lazy with communication and assumed players would remember that after a decade plus Brewfest was shorter. At worst they were just flat out incompetent. Either is at Blizxards feet, not players.

Did not state classic timeframe that was a retail post.

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Will agree here def. Blizzard not helping themselves. But love all the people throwing a fit that an additional day is still not good enough. Will literally never please most of this crowd lol

?? Let me spell it out for you.

  1. Blizzard Announces brew fest will end on the 6th
  2. Blizzard cuts of Brewfest early
  3. Blizzard comes to the forums and refuses to acknowledge the mistake and ends brewfest in the 5th instead.

Simple ways to make people happy:

  • Acknowledge the mistake in the original post
  • Honor the dates advertised that players planned for

It’s actually insane to see a company fumble the ball so hard on PR


What is incredibly frustrating about this is that…


They just don’t communicate. Period. We get random drips at bizzare locations on the internet and fan sites. This forum, their official forum, doesn’t get used remotely enough.

The most frustrating part is that we’re not even asking for obscure “what do you think about this” or “Bliz plox do nerf on XYZ class” type stuff. We’re asking for facts, basic information, things that they should know. That their team leads and project managers have calendar’d out.

A post in the forums saying “Hey all, Brewfest is open, it’ll run until XYZ”, then acknowledging bugs and giving some solution to that is what should have happened. Instead, they’ll lose customers over this. Easily avoidable. Easily.


I get the confusion a little bit, however it seems a lot of people just jumped to assumptions without reading more into the page about BrewFest – >

Things that very much should stand out if you read a little more.

  • No achievement in classic/TBC (Did come out at the end of TBC for pre wrath patch)
  • Hozen are not a thing in classic/TBC
  • Countless mentions of Draenor (Not Classic content)
  • Rewards include Achievements, Heirloom upgrades, battle pets, toys(Item classification being a toy doesn’t exist in classic)

Now I do get jumping to the idea that would be in classic, however that jump was based on assuming vs it saying it. Nothing new that is added would go to classic by default for classic is suppose to be as close to original classic as possible.

I would agree it should have been called out and very clearly for look what happened. and all the confusion it caused.


I am confused. It ended on the 3rd 11:59pm… is that not actually the 4th? Same here… isn’t that basically the 6th? Am I missing something?

It’s not tbh. Blizzards failure in communication should not involve players being chastised for calling them out on said poor communication.

It’s not whining when players are factually stating the company’s incompetence.

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