Breaking News for the Pathfinder in 10.2

Looks like they took out the Rep requirement for it.


Confirmed… Wowhead has a link to a blue post in the PTR forum…

Edit: I didn’t notice the OP’s post is a duplicate of THIS ONE.

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There are several repeats threads about it already. I’m sure in everyone elation and rush to be the first to post about it, we will continue to see a bunch of spam threads.


My bad, didn’t see it myself :frowning:

This thread is now about cheeses.

Blizz doesnt listen to feedback #fakenews

So I love a good Brie.

Who wants to regular fly and take 10x longer to get places anyway?

I’ll use regular flying when I need a quick afk, just hovering around.

good sounds like all we will need to do then is explore the new area

Yep! Granted I am already maxed out in Rep so it was a non-issue for me but I see how some people who are just getting in to DF could be overwhelmed.

Now if they would just listen to us about Player Housing! (Just kidding, but :crossed_fingers:)