Updated Pathfinder Requirements in Patch 10.2 - No Renown Required

Bliz actually listened?! Thanks bliz!

Link: https://www.wowhead.com/news/updated-pathfinder-requirements-in-patch-10-2-no-renown-required-335806#comments


Took em long enough. That should have been pulled the moment it was posted and the entire community gave a collective “but why though?”


Better late than never.

I know. It’s making me uncomfortable.

eyes Blizzard

What’s your angle? :stuck_out_tongue:


Clearly they always intended to pull it but waited until the last minute to keep people logged in trying to get that Renown.

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I knew it!

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woot woot

I’m happy, still have to do a lot of rep to get to the forbidden reach and caverns, but i don’t need to do anything unnecessary

Excuse me while I go pass out now